The Student Room Group

aspirational choices

with the UCAS deadline approaching im unsure about narrowing down my options. I'm currently predicted AAA, but im considering making an aspirational A*AA choice as I have been fluctuating between an A* and an A often in politics, and feel like come the real exam, an A* would be possible. with that in mind I was wondering if aspirational offers are worth it? I'm applying to both Law and Politics courses and have been told my personal statement is strong if that means anything haha
Original post by evewashere
with the UCAS deadline approaching im unsure about narrowing down my options. I'm currently predicted AAA, but im considering making an aspirational A*AA choice as I have been fluctuating between an A* and an A often in politics, and feel like come the real exam, an A* would be possible. with that in mind I was wondering if aspirational offers are worth it? I'm applying to both Law and Politics courses and have been told my personal statement is strong if that means anything haha

Where are you considering applying? :smile:
Original post by evewashere
with the UCAS deadline approaching im unsure about narrowing down my options. I'm currently predicted AAA, but im considering making an aspirational A*AA choice as I have been fluctuating between an A* and an A often in politics, and feel like come the real exam, an A* would be possible. with that in mind I was wondering if aspirational offers are worth it? I'm applying to both Law and Politics courses and have been told my personal statement is strong if that means anything haha

It's not that hard.
1 Aspirational choice (A*AA)
3 Realistic choices (AAA - AAB
1 Guaranteed choice (ABB - BBB and below)
Original post by Thisismyunitsr
It's not that hard.
1 Aspirational choice (A*AA)
3 Realistic choices (AAA - AAB
1 Guaranteed choice (ABB - BBB and below)

For someone who is unfamiliar with the application process, it might be hard! but I agree, this is a good place to start. But still, it matters WHERE you wish to spend the next 3 years of your life, maybe more, and not just based on grade requirements. :smile:
Original post by CamembertPaws
For someone who is unfamiliar with the application process, it might be hard! but I agree, this is a good place to start. But still, it matters WHERE you wish to spend the next 3 years of your life, maybe more, and not just based on grade requirements. :smile:

I know lol
Original post by evewashere
with the UCAS deadline approaching im unsure about narrowing down my options. I'm currently predicted AAA, but im considering making an aspirational A*AA choice as I have been fluctuating between an A* and an A often in politics, and feel like come the real exam, an A* would be possible. with that in mind I was wondering if aspirational offers are worth it? I'm applying to both Law and Politics courses and have been told my personal statement is strong if that means anything haha

Hi there!

I would recommend perhaps applying for one ambitious choice, three more secure/good choices, and one lower entry requirements that is more guaranteed for you (as suggested above!) It's good to have this spread to ensure you have lots of options and you have something to aim for in your exams too with an ambitious choice!

Best of luck with your application and exams, and if you have any questions about university in general, please feel free to let me know! 🙂

-Alfie, University of Plymouth Student Ambassador
There is no deadline 'approaching' - you have over two months left to apply.
Reply 7
Original post by McGinger
There is no deadline 'approaching' - you have over two months left to apply.

in my sixth form we have an internal deadline of the 8th of december - so annoying as I would like to spend the extra two months working on finalisng my application but unfortunately we are all forced to submit early :/
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by evewashere
in my sixth form we have an internal deadline of the 8th of december - so annoying as I would like to spend the extra two months working on finalisng my application but unfortunately we are all forced to submit early :/

In that case just pick four choices now and leave the last one free to add any time up until Jan 31st.

You may even get one or more replies before the UCAS deadline which may steer you as to whether to stay safe or have a riskier option.
Reply 9
Original post by Admit-One
In that case just pick four choices now and leave the last one free to add any time up until Jan 31st.

You may even get one or more replies before the UCAS deadline which may steer you as to whether to stay safe or have a riskier option.

i think this seems like the best option for me - thank you for the advice :smile:
Original post by evewashere
i think this seems like the best option for me - thank you for the advice :smile:

No problem. If your sixth form query it, just say you've checked and will add you last choice before the deadline.

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