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Maths in Computer Science at UoN


I am applying to Unis this year, but I am unsure of whether to do Comp Sci at UoN (with Cyber Physical systems Msci) or Cyber Security Bsc at Trent.

I have an interest in both, and I think I might go into a career in cyber security after Uni, but I'm worried to specialise so much in a course by doing cyber security incase I end up disliking it, whereas doing Comp Sci gives me more career options.

I would definitely prefer to do Computer Science, but the thing really putting me off it is the maths. (I know there's lots of maths in comp sci, but I'm talking about the modules that are purely maths as these are the ones that might kill my grade). I know year 1 doesn't count (I think), which it looks like is where most of the maths is, but I may get a bursary where I am required to uphold a 2:1 final grade each year, so this is something I'm concerned about.

I'd like to know how hard the maths actually is, or whether it just looks intimidating (particularly some logical proofs I've seen). I am of course aware the degree is going to be challenging generally, but maths is a weak point of mine so some reassurance that I will most likely be ok would be nice as I wouldn't consider myself particularly fast or amazing when it comes to maths.

Just to be clear - I'm concerned about the difficulty of the maths, rather than the amount of it in the course.

I'm currently predicted a B at A-Level maths but I'm pretty sure I can push that to an A in the real thing as long as I keep at it as I'm definitely getting better. My other predicted grades are an A* in Computer Science and an A in Physics.

Thanks in advance. :smile:
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Original post by html0

I am applying to Unis this year, but I am unsure of whether to do Comp Sci at UoN (with Cyber Physical systems Msci) or Cyber Security Bsc at Trent.

I have an interest in both, and I think I might go into a career in cyber security after Uni, but I'm worried to specialise so much in a course by doing cyber security incase I end up disliking it, whereas doing Comp Sci gives me more career options.

I would definitely prefer to do Computer Science, but the thing really putting me off it is the maths. (I know there's lots of maths in comp sci, but I'm talking about the modules that are purely maths as these are the ones that might kill my grade). I know year 1 doesn't count (I think), which it looks like is where most of the maths is, but I may get a bursary where I am required to uphold a 2:1 final grade each year, so this is something I'm concerned about.

I'd like to know how hard the maths actually is, or whether it just looks intimidating (particularly some logical proofs I've seen). I am of course aware the degree is going to be challenging generally, but maths is a weak point of mine so some reassurance that I will most likely be ok would be nice as I wouldn't consider myself particularly fast or amazing when it comes to maths.

Just to be clear - I'm concerned about the difficulty of the maths, rather than the amount of it in the course.

I'm currently predicted a B at A-Level maths but I'm pretty sure I can push that to an A in the real thing as long as I keep at it as I'm definitely getting better. My other predicted grades are an A* in Computer Science and an A in Physics.

Thanks in advance. :smile:

im having a similar problem to you, i might just go for it and do computer science, it will be hard work but it will pay off

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