Totally agree with everything @ashleemx said and want to reiterate that it’s not your fault and you shouldn’t feel guilt or pressurised into giving in to something you don’t want to do. Would add that if you feel in danger or threatened dial 999.
Sad to say that though universities are meant to be safe places for all students this isn’t always the case. I’m at Oxford Earth Sciences which has approx 50% gender split in student intake, but faculty is dominated by men and there still exists a misogynistic undertone. Our lovely administrator (effectively second in command of the department) who has experience at both Oxford and Camb is simply referred to as the young, pretty, female by staff. No-one goes round calling the head of dept the bald, middle aged, man! Apparently she had only been in the post a couple of weeks before one of the professors started hitting on her. No wonder she spends all her time hidden in her office.
I also got to hear about how one of the female professors was physically restrained and verbally abused by someone from a different dept. Even though she complained to our dept harassment officer the man was let off without facing a formal inquiry or any disciplinary action.
The only reason I know this is because although such cases are meant to be treated in confidence the harassment officer is a bit of a gossip and openly talked about it in a public place. Still he did provide two useful pieces of information for anyone wanting to make a formal complaint. First gather as much physical evidence as possible, e.g. text messages, emails, testimony of reliable witnesses etc. Don’t rely on repeating a conversation you had in private with someone because it then becomes your word against theirs. Second, some universities and depts are paranoid about negative publicity and will go to any lengths to hush things up.
Find the idea of your professors talking about having sex with their students as totally creepy. At Oxford and a few other universities they have now prohibited staff having a sexual relationship with students, making it grounds for instant dismissal if discovered. You may want to check what your own university policy is about this and harassment in general. Depending upon how proactive you want to be, here’s a few suggestions.
If there are no university notices about harassment on your dept noticeboard, or they’re faded or obscured by other posters, ask the admin staff if they can put up new notices and make sure they’re at eye level. Find out what your university policy is on harassment. If you have a staff student committee, ask your student rep to propose the dept adopts the measure of prohibiting staff student relationships. Even if this is rejected, it puts the subject into focus. Check out womens support groups on campus. Here at Oxford we have a confidential harassment helpline. The calls are not logged or recorded, unless the caller is believed to be in immediate danger, but they do offer on the spot advice. Many of my friends, have adopted a three level system to deal with unwanted attention. First, politely make it clear that you’re not interested. If they persist, then state that you’re unhappy with the attention you’re receiving and you would like it to stop. You can put this in an email/text (see above about recording evidence) and keep any replies you may receive. Third level is to tell the perpetrator you’ll make a formal complaint against them unless they stop harassing you.
You may also want to consider becoming ‘engaged’ over the Christmas vac. After all, Xmas is meant to be a romantic time. In my experience, sporting an engagement ring is one of the quickest ways for boys to lose interest, and I know a couple of girlfriends who have used a fake boyfriend to shake off unwanted attention. You can always say you’ve agreed not to get married until after you’ve completed your degree, and the fake engagement can be easily broken off if you meet a nice boy. They do exist. May sound a bit melodramatic but it seems to work.
Sorry for a bit of a long rant. Really hope you enjoy the course. You may find that the pressure subsides after the first term as the boys move on to look elsewhere.