I'm sorry but I want to say something about the closed post of girls with small boobs. I was reading some posts and oh my God what woman go threw with there breast almost all men go threw with there penis size. It's crazy. But I felt I needed to say woman if you have small breastfeeding or we're a push up bra because ypu feel you have nothing there so your so self conscious about it. Listen ladies men know breast. We love breast it's basically our favorite subject. So if we say ask you out and your concerned about your small breast dont be. We know we'll in advantaced the size of your breast give or take a littler bigger or smaller. Were well aware of what your packing so if we are with you then we don't care about the size at all. We know what we're getting jnto asking you out so stop stressing because a woman that's confident with what she has is such a huge turn on for us guys. So please stop stressing ladies. Please. It's not necessary.