The Student Room Group
My boobs are so huge causing me to with a lot of back pain I'm only in my 20's and do what kids in the future are their any tip you can give to help me relive my pain
Original post by Anonymous #1
My boobs are so huge causing me to with a lot of back pain I'm only in my 20's and do what kids in the future are their any tip you can give to help me relive my pain

Have you spoken to your GP about this?
Original post by martin7
Have you spoken to your GP about this?

Yes they offered for me to have a breast reduction but I want kids in the future so I would have to wait after I have kids
Original post by Anonymous #1
Yes they offered for me to have a breast reduction but I want kids in the future so I would have to wait after I have kids

Have you discussed with your GP whether there are any measures you can take to help with the pain, or to try to prevent it?

There might be specific things you can do to strengthen the relevant muscles; or to change your posture.

Other things: Do some research to see if there's a relevant support organisation (if you'll excuse the pun) that you can contact; you're probably not the only person having this problem.

Perhaps also see if you can find somewhere that can do a proper bra fitting -- I've seen articles in newspapers and online over the years which say that a high proportion of women wear bras that are the wrong size. Getting suitably supportive bras in the right size could also help if you haven't tried that already.
Original post by Anonymous #1
My boobs are so huge causing me to with a lot of back pain I'm only in my 20's and do what kids in the future are their any tip you can give to help me relive my pain

If you are planning to have children and are intending to breastfeed them waiting for a breast reduction is recommended. See some information below.

Should you get a breast reduction before or after breastfeeding....
It is generally best to wait a minimum of 3 months after completion of breast feeding, but preferably 6 months, in order to allow the breasts to shrink back down to their normal size. It is also very important that try to get back to your pre-pregnancy weight before having the surgery.

Can breast surgery affect breastfeeding....
Breast Augmentation, lift, and reduction: Breast implants below the muscle usually affect milk production less than implants above the muscle. Incisions around the areola and surgical techniques that include completely detaching the areolae and nipples are more likely to cause reductions in milk production.

Will pregnancy ruin breast reduction....
While the specific impact of pregnancy on your breast reduction results cannot be predicted, many women remain completely satisfied with their surgical results after childbirth. For patients who experience unwanted effects that they would like to address, breast lift surgery may be a recommended option.
Original post by Anonymous
My boobs are so huge causing me to with a lot of back pain I'm only in my 20's and do what kids in the future are their any tip you can give to help me relive my pain

Sweetheart my mother had the same problem, only shes suffered all her life becasue of this. I think she was 45 when she was finally able to get a reduction so she can live comfortably. She 66 now and still looks completely normal only no more back pains.
I'm sorry but I want to say something about the closed post of girls with small boobs. I was reading some posts and oh my God what woman go threw with there breast almost all men go threw with there penis size. It's crazy. But I felt I needed to say woman if you have small breastfeeding or we're a push up bra because ypu feel you have nothing there so your so self conscious about it. Listen ladies men know breast. We love breast it's basically our favorite subject. So if we say ask you out and your concerned about your small breast dont be. We know we'll in advantaced the size of your breast give or take a littler bigger or smaller. Were well aware of what your packing so if we are with you then we don't care about the size at all. We know what we're getting jnto asking you out so stop stressing because a woman that's confident with what she has is such a huge turn on for us guys. So please stop stressing ladies. Please. It's not necessary.