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Bsc accounting and finance or accounting and management

Is there much difference b/w bsc accounting and finance and bsc accounting and management in terms of future prospect. I don’t have math in alevel. Bath is offering accounting and management without math but is asking for math for accounting and finance.
Original post by Xr king
Is there much difference b/w bsc accounting and finance and bsc accounting and management in terms of future prospect. I don’t have math in alevel. Bath is offering accounting and management without math but is asking for math for accounting and finance.

This question is similarly as vague as your previous question:
The main points that I have included in my answer in your previous question applies here regarding future prospects (management is too a role that depends more on your relevant work experience and generally requires no qualifications).

In terms of difference between accounting and finance vs accounting and management degrees:

Accounting and finance can be more quantitative than accounting and management, because the finance modules can be more mathematical (require knowledge of series, logarithms, some knowledge of calculus, etc.). There are accounting and finance degrees out there that don't require A Level Maths, but they don't contain content that is as quantitative.

Management modules tend to be a close duplication of what is in A Level Business Studies. However, the content tends to be a lot more descriptive, so unless you are good with writing essays about management theory you're not going to fare that well.

Management modules are also more diverse and significantly less specialised e.g. they cover finance, accounting, economics, marketing, HR, etc.

If you're hunting for exemptions from modules in professional accounting qualifications, then accounting and finance is more likely to offer you more exemptions than accounting with management. However, this would depend on the individual professional accounting qualification than something you can generally apply to all degrees. You would need to check the exemptions calculator for each professional body to check.

Accounting and finance would likely require you to look into auditing, business law, and tax. These are topics that you are not likely going to find in an accounting and management degree unless you opt for them.

Accounting and management degrees are more likely going to allow you to pick more options than a degree in accounting and finance.

Original post by Xr king
Is there much difference b/w bsc accounting and finance and bsc accounting and management in terms of future prospect. I don’t have math in alevel. Bath is offering accounting and management without math but is asking for math for accounting and finance.

What gcse maths grade did you get?
and what are you predicted?
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 3
Original post by yupcabra23
What gcse maths grade did you get?
and what are you predicted?

grade at 7 A
Original post by Xr king
grade at 7 A

Yhh you should be fine for mangment but if you really want to do finance there are other unis that dont need a level maths like Manchester, Leeds and durham which are good

Personally id say that accounting and finance is a better degree but its not drastically better.
(edited 1 year ago)
What are your career aspirations?

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