The Student Room Group

Failed first year of college, retakes not going well

Currently failing L3 agriculture, failed the first year, and I am feeling that I may fail my retakes, should I switch college or courses, I feel lost and don’t know what to do. Does it matter if I fail? I’m trying but it’s getting me down?
I don’t know what to do!
Original post by Antman345
Currently failing L3 agriculture, failed the first year, and I am feeling that I may fail my retakes, should I switch college or courses, I feel lost and don’t know what to do. Does it matter if I fail? I’m trying but it’s getting me down?
I don’t know what to do!

If you're failing, why are you failing? Is it because you don't like the subject? Is it the study technique that you're using? Is it because you don't understand specific material? Is it because of the teacher? Is it because there are things going on in your personal life? There's too many factors at play to say. You need to be specific.

Why are you studying agriculture? Do you intend to work in agriculture? Why are you doing a Level 3 in agriculture instead of other qualifications?
If you want to work in agriculture, why do you want to work in the sector? Why not something else?

If you don't intend to work in agriculture, what did you actually wanted to do? What are/were your career aspirations before you went to college? What were they when you were 5?

If you can be a bit more specific with the above, I can probably give you better answers to your questions.
Original post by Antman345
Currently failing L3 agriculture, failed the first year, and I am feeling that I may fail my retakes, should I switch college or courses, I feel lost and don’t know what to do. Does it matter if I fail? I’m trying but it’s getting me down?
I don’t know what to do!

Hello Antman, sorry for what you have went through in your agriculture papers. Failing is not your portion, I'm ready and willing to assist you do your papers which I'm guaranteed you will pass. Thank you.

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