The Student Room Group

Help: Fitness to Practice Appeal!

I need your help! I had assumed that during laboratories you are always allowed to share your results - as I never had any problems with sharing results with my colleagues the whole time I have been at this uni. This was a computer lab because I had lost my file, I could not complete the work and so I had asked my friend for help and took a picture of the results. The teacher did NOT explicitly say that we were to work ONLY individually, it was NOT an assessment and everyone was discussing the work together.

I was then referred to a fitness to practice meeting, using the file/results I used from my colleague (teacher demanded it) and they put a warning on my record for plagiarism/academic fraud. I was shocked that it got to that level as me and my classmate were not informed that sharing results weren’t allowed - otherwise they would not have shared it with me.

I am a 3rd yr student and this is the first time I have heard of individual only labs.

How do I appeal this - because am I wrong in thinking this is totally unreasonable? This is really stressing me out and I emailed my student union.

Thanks in advance
Read the uni policy on academic dishonesty then decide if you want to appeal. There are strict guidelines on what is or is not acceptable. Seems you have unwittingly crossed a line. Take it as a rap across the knuckles and learn from it.
Original post by Girlyoof
I need your help! I had assumed that during laboratories you are always allowed to share your results - as I never had any problems with sharing results with my colleagues the whole time I have been at this uni. This was a computer lab because I had lost my file, I could not complete the work and so I had asked my friend for help and took a picture of the results. The teacher did NOT explicitly say that we were to work ONLY individually, it was NOT an assessment and everyone was discussing the work together.

I was then referred to a fitness to practice meeting, using the file/results I used from my colleague (teacher demanded it) and they put a warning on my record for plagiarism/academic fraud. I was shocked that it got to that level as me and my classmate were not informed that sharing results weren’t allowed - otherwise they would not have shared it with me.

I am a 3rd yr student and this is the first time I have heard of individual only labs.

How do I appeal this - because am I wrong in thinking this is totally unreasonable? This is really stressing me out and I emailed my student union.

Thanks in advance

I don't think this reasoning is going to be given a moment's serious consideration. That you didn't understand the plagiarism rules in the first term that you were at uni, and that you have been sharing lab results since weigh very heavily against you, to the point of being almost unbelievable. You are best to just accept you made a mistake - and before any hearing etc - read up and understand what plagiarism is, what counts as plagiarism and why it is damaging.
Reply 3
Thank you for your answers
Reply 4
It's mad to me that you get to third year without understanding the difference between co-operation and collusion. It is not the University's job to continually inform you, it is incumbent upon you to know.

Any appeal would, I am certain, fail. It's cut and dry academic malpractice, unfortunately. In 3rd year, you are lucky it hasn't been escalated further and I really think that you have got off somewhat lightly. Take the win.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 5
I think the reason why I am confused is because in all the past labs I have had we would work in groups - so I stupidly assumed that we were allowed to cooperate.
Reply 6
So this wasn't for an assessed piece of work? It wasn't a formal assignment?

Seems like an overreaction from the university to me.
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 7
Original post by AF2Dr
So this wasn't for an assessed piece of work? It wasn't a formal assignment?

Seems like an overreaction from the university to me.

No it is not - that is why I am thinking about appealing but I don’t know how…
Reply 8
Original post by gjd800
It's mad to me that you get to third year without understanding the difference between co-operation and collusion. It is not the University's job to continually inform you, it is incumbent upon you to know.

Any appeal would, I am certain, fail. It's cut and dry academic malpractice, unfortunately. In 3rd year, you are lucky it hasn't been escalated further and I really think that you have got off somewhat lightly. Take the win.

It’s merely lab work/classwork - it’s not a coursework or an exam so I’m just distraught that it has come to this stage

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