im 14yrs of age and the oldest of my siblings
i have a problem see its not easy to say anything to my parent as they are always looking after my siblings. As my sister has exzema/allergies, so no one really cares bout me, my brother is the only boy and my mom loves him and my 2 other sisters more than me, but we dont get on together. im more of a daddys girl and i admit a tomboy.
howver i dont know how to tell her and my dad of currnet health probelm after what happened last time.
i told her that i started to tremble and she took me to the gp the guy just went u got anxiety after i told him i have chest pain this is a thong i have always had since the age of 9 and insomina at the same age till now. the doctor told me to do some blood test i wasnt suprsed as he didnt care in the first place and acted like he didnt like his job. But recently, my chest is still hurting at the left side i get the fealing of pins and needles affecgt on my heart this is a thing ive alway felt and doctor did nothing. ive had insomina as long as i remeber it used to be cool when i was young, like yay i did an all nighter but now im going to do gsce this year and mocks and being tired isnt helping even if im one of the top student in my class but still. ive been trembling a lot especially when im doing work at school or homework or my own notes even when im sitting watchin tv. and havin sudden attacks of chest pain and heart pain (is a panick attack?) i have to stop and just wait for it to stop then carry on.
i dont know how to tell my parent what im suffering and dont trust the doctors after last time so what should i do?