So I am in my first semester studying single honours history after moving from international relations and I just feel like I am getting nothing out of my classes. I do all the extra reading and put in the effort but I just feel like I am getting nothing out of my course
I think it may be because of how my current modules are, both modules have 2x 45 minute lectures a week and they are both on completely different topics eg. this weeks two lectures in one of my modules were on african american life in usa and the other was on the russian revolution. I feel like I have no time to get into a subject and its making me really consider whether being in uni is actually going to help me at all.
I also honestly believe that uni lectures just don't have any teaching ability at all, I have had one lecturer since starting that has made me feel like I am learning, everyone else just to me seems like they believe that we know just as much as their PhD self knows therefore they don't give you anything in terms of actually learning
People have said it gets better in terms of learning in the 2nd year but I dont want to sit here for a year learning nothing it just seems pointless to me, I would rather be doing something better with my life than sitting and trying to learn
I love learning and I don't know what I would be doing if I did leave uni but I really don't want to and I just need some advice.