I was in a relationship with an amazing girl for a year, who I thought I was going to marry. We decided to take a short break over the Christmas holidays because she needed time to sort out some personal matters back in her home country.
During this break, a female friend needed a place to stay so asked if she could crash at mine for a week, which I agreed to. But on the last night before she left she ended up walking in my room completely naked and got into my bed and any guy who is single and has a naked girl in his bed wouldn’t be able to resist so we had sex.
However little did I know she ended up going crazy obsessed with me after and the next morning I woke up she was on a phone to her mum saying how she’s in a relationship with me. I was like wtf we’re not in relationship so I kicked her out.
I told my gf who I was on a break with that I wanted to get back together and we did. She flew back to my country and we was happy living together.
However this crazy girl ended up spam calling me and messaging me cause I was ghosting her and my gf picked up the phone and this crazy girl told her I was in relationship with her and we had sex etc etc.. this caused chaos and my gf completely broke down and was destroyed I’ve never seen someone so broken. This crazy girl kept messaging my gf saying so much and made lies about me saying I was in relationship with her for a year and that she regularly comes round me ne etc and other lies so my gf would end it so the crazy girl could have me to herself. AND it turns out when I was asleep that night we slept together she even took pictures naked laying next to me in bed and she sent them to my gf.
I tried saying it was all lies but my gf never believed me because there was literally photos of me sleeping naked and girls will always believe girls over a guy.
Then my gf gave me one chance to make it right if all 3 of us meet but the crazy girl called me saying she would stab my gf if she ever sees her so I declined to protect my gf but that was the last straw which made my gf think I was lying.
My gf was truly destroyed she cried for 3 days straight didn’t sleep but then one day she just snapped, she became like an empty soul I didn’t even recognise her she was just empty in side truly like a broken psychiatric patient and then she just got up left and flew back to her home country and never spoke to me again.
I tried messaging her many times but she’s never responded and eventually I managed to get through to her and she said she’s now happy in a new relationship with someone she loves so for me to leave her alone, I said I’ll fly over and she said no she’s happy and it’s over.
It’s now been 2 months since the breakup and I'm torn about whether I should fly over to try to win her back. In my heart I don’t want to give up, ESPECIALLY because the whole break up is based on complete lies from this crazy girl but I'm unsure if it's the right move considering she's already moved on with a new boyfriend.
Should I still go? And if so, should I inform her beforehand or surprise her by showing up? Or perhaps it's time for me to accept that it's over and focus on moving on myself. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.