The Student Room Group

Cardiff and Nottingham architecture 2024

Hello, i sent my portfolio in for both unis in the first week of December and am not sure as to when they usually reply to them. Does anyone have any guidance on this, as im stressing right now 😭?
Original post by danny_me
Hello, i sent my portfolio in for both unis in the first week of December and am not sure as to when they usually reply to them. Does anyone have any guidance on this, as im stressing right now 😭?

Hi this is a bit late but I also applied the same time you did with the same unis. I think they are all waiting for the deadline, which is today as of writing this, then they will send out their decisions. I know early entry people did get offers already and I’m stressing about it too but a lot of advice I’ve gotten has been to wait until February. Wishing you the best
Original post by danny_me
Hello, i sent my portfolio in for both unis in the first week of December and am not sure as to when they usually reply to them. Does anyone have any guidance on this, as im stressing right now 😭?

Don't stress - my daughter still waiting for 3 of her Architecture applications including Nottingham. Other two offers said she had a really strong portfolio so I think it just takes loads of time to go through all those portfolios - you can imagine, must take 15 min at least for each one (and there are hundreds), then they need to write up notes, etc. Good luck and don't worry at this early stage!
Original post by danny_me
Hello, i sent my portfolio in for both unis in the first week of December and am not sure as to when they usually reply to them. Does anyone have any guidance on this, as im stressing right now 😭?

Hi there! Sounds like a really stressful time! Just to echo the above comments, try not to worry too much, universities tend to take their time with checking through applications :smile:

If you wanted to enquire about it, though this is for the Cardiff course, you can email the course directly at [email protected] or on the general contact us page.

Hope that helps!

~ Fatiha, Cardiff University Student Rep
(edited 1 year ago)

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