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French AQA a level IRP

Hi all,

Im currently self studying French A level and have just come across the candidate record form. There is a part where you can write up to 8 headings/sources and i was wondering if these would be the headings that the examiner will base my questions on?

My IRP is 'Quelles sont les causes et les conséquences de Mai 68' so by writing down headings such as:
L'insatisfaction estudiantine
La sclérose politique
La politique à l’Université.
Le défi à la hiérarchie
L’évolution des mœurs dans la société
La contestation ouvrière
Les conditions économiques
Les acteurs de MAi ‘68
L’héritage MAi ‘68 succès ou non?
Les gains de Mai ‘68
Does that mean that i will be asked questions based on those headings in the exam?

Reply 1
Yes, that’s right! Those questions will guide the examiner to what questions to ask you, so for preparation you’d research really in-depth these topics so you could answer any question that could come up.
Reply 2
Original post by isha_07
Yes, that’s right! Those questions will guide the examiner to what questions to ask you, so for preparation you’d research really in-depth these topics so you could answer any question that could come up.

Perfect! thanks a lot :smile:

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