hello gang,
have decided i need to get onto my academic hot girl comeback era because i keep complaining about my grades being trash but that is literally on me not doing enough effective revision. this is my way to hold myself accountable bc i fear i wont if i dont atleast put this out into the universe
i currently do: spanish, english lit and history
predicted grades: ABB + A epq
degree applied for: history
current offer count: 4/5 !!!
goals: A*AA
things i wanna improve on (to help track progress)
spanish:- feeling less anxious about speaking practise
- all around more revision (spanish, although my best grade is my most neglected subject)
- learning more examples for the speaking!!!
history:- ASKING FOR HELP!!!
- working on coursework more frequently, rather than doing big chunks
- revise each battle for war of the roses, its deffo the hardest topic for me
- more blurting, ive been using ineffective revision methods just because theyre quicker when blurting's helped me so much
english lit:- more context learning for ted hughes
- familiarising myself more with hughes' animal poems (so boring to me!!!)
- more practise comparing DOM with ASCND (i noticed i really struggle with this, more than stereotypically harder books we do)
- working on my character profiles for hamlet more often
- spending more time on paradise lost to consolidate knowledge, especially for language analysis
i know this is loads but im really struggling to revise, and as i said, putting this into the universe for others to hold me accountable (atleast in my head) should help