The Student Room Group

academic comeback era - gyg

hello gang,
have decided i need to get onto my academic hot girl comeback era because i keep complaining about my grades being trash but that is literally on me not doing enough effective revision. this is my way to hold myself accountable bc i fear i wont if i dont atleast put this out into the universe

i currently do: spanish, english lit and history
predicted grades: ABB + A epq
degree applied for: history
current offer count: 4/5 !!!
goals: A*AA

things i wanna improve on (to help track progress)
- feeling less anxious about speaking practise
- all around more revision (spanish, although my best grade is my most neglected subject)
- learning more examples for the speaking!!!
- working on coursework more frequently, rather than doing big chunks
- revise each battle for war of the roses, its deffo the hardest topic for me
- more blurting, ive been using ineffective revision methods just because theyre quicker when blurting's helped me so much
english lit:
- more context learning for ted hughes
- familiarising myself more with hughes' animal poems (so boring to me!!!)
- more practise comparing DOM with ASCND (i noticed i really struggle with this, more than stereotypically harder books we do)
- working on my character profiles for hamlet more often
- spending more time on paradise lost to consolidate knowledge, especially for language analysis

i know this is loads but im really struggling to revise, and as i said, putting this into the universe for others to hold me accountable (atleast in my head) should help :tongue:
(edited 1 year ago)

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✨Academic hot girl comeback era✨ - this is how I’m going to describe my life how!

Tagging some GYG users who take your subjects, they may be able to give some revision tips and keep you motivated!
@kayleigh_t.27 @emm4nuella @erin11

Well done on making a set plan for revision!
Original post by aizzicle
hello gang,
have decided i need to get onto my academic hot girl comeback era because i keep complaining about my grades being trash but that is literally on me not doing enough effective revision. this is my way to hold myself accountable bc i fear i wont if i dont atleast put this out into the universe

i currently do: spanish, english lit and history
predicted grades: ABB + A epq
degree applied for: history
current offer count: 4/5 !!!
goals: A*AA

things i wanna improve on (to help track progress)
- feeling less anxious about speaking practise
- all around more revision (spanish, although my best grade is my most neglected subject)
- learning more examples for the speaking!!!
- working on coursework more frequently, rather than doing big chunks
- revise each battle for war of the roses, its deffo the hardest topic for me
- more blurting, ive been using ineffective revision methods just because theyre quicker when blurting's helped me so much
english lit:
- more context learning for ted hughes
- familiarising myself more with hughes' animal poems (so boring to me!!!)
- more practise comparing DOM with ASCND (i noticed i really struggle with this, more than stereotypically harder books we do)
- working on my character profiles for hamlet more often
- spending more time on paradise lost to consolidate knowledge, especially for language analysis

i know this is loads but im really struggling to revise, and as i said, putting this into the universe for others to hold me accountable (atleast in my head) should help :tongue:

hiii @aizzicle i do aqa spanish - if you have any questions feel free to ask!
hi!! I also do history and I do French - your goals for spanish are very similar to mine! :smile:
can't wait to watch your progress!
Original post by aizzicle
hello gang,
have decided i need to get onto my academic hot girl comeback era because i keep complaining about my grades being trash but that is literally on me not doing enough effective revision. this is my way to hold myself accountable bc i fear i wont if i dont atleast put this out into the universe

i currently do: spanish, english lit and history
predicted grades: ABB + A epq
degree applied for: history
current offer count: 4/5 !!!
goals: A*AA

things i wanna improve on (to help track progress)
- feeling less anxious about speaking practise
- all around more revision (spanish, although my best grade is my most neglected subject)
- learning more examples for the speaking!!!
- working on coursework more frequently, rather than doing big chunks
- revise each battle for war of the roses, its deffo the hardest topic for me
- more blurting, ive been using ineffective revision methods just because theyre quicker when blurting's helped me so much
english lit:
- more context learning for ted hughes
- familiarising myself more with hughes' animal poems (so boring to me!!!)
- more practise comparing DOM with ASCND (i noticed i really struggle with this, more than stereotypically harder books we do)
- working on my character profiles for hamlet more often
- spending more time on paradise lost to consolidate knowledge, especially for language analysis

i know this is loads but im really struggling to revise, and as i said, putting this into the universe for others to hold me accountable (atleast in my head) should help :tongue:

good luckkk, you got this 💪💪
Original post by aizzicle
hello gang,
have decided i need to get onto my academic hot girl comeback era because i keep complaining about my grades being trash but that is literally on me not doing enough effective revision. this is my way to hold myself accountable bc i fear i wont if i dont atleast put this out into the universe

i currently do: spanish, english lit and history
predicted grades: ABB + A epq
degree applied for: history
current offer count: 4/5 !!!
goals: A*AA

things i wanna improve on (to help track progress)
- feeling less anxious about speaking practise
- all around more revision (spanish, although my best grade is my most neglected subject)
- learning more examples for the speaking!!!
- working on coursework more frequently, rather than doing big chunks
- revise each battle for war of the roses, its deffo the hardest topic for me
- more blurting, ive been using ineffective revision methods just because theyre quicker when blurting's helped me so much
english lit:
- more context learning for ted hughes
- familiarising myself more with hughes' animal poems (so boring to me!!!)
- more practise comparing DOM with ASCND (i noticed i really struggle with this, more than stereotypically harder books we do)
- working on my character profiles for hamlet more often
- spending more time on paradise lost to consolidate knowledge, especially for language analysis

i know this is loads but im really struggling to revise, and as i said, putting this into the universe for others to hold me accountable (atleast in my head) should help :tongue:

Heya! Fellow english lit and history student here - what exam boards do you do? Can't wait to see what you get up to (and loving the description "academic hot girl comeback era" ❤️)
what topic are you doing for history coursework?
Reply 7
Original post by kayleigh_t.27
Heya! Fellow english lit and history student here - what exam boards do you do? Can't wait to see what you get up to (and loving the description "academic hot girl comeback era" ❤️)

Hey!!! for english lit we do eduquas and study plath + hughes comparison, duchess of malfi comparison with streetcar named desire, hamlet and paradise lost book ix. for history i do ocr and study south africa 1948-1999, russia and its rulers 1854-1956 and war of the roses and henry vii!
Reply 8
Original post by erin11
what topic are you doing for history coursework?

My school forces us to do a question on Elizabeth I, so I chose one on marriage and her councillors, and whether they were the reason she did not marry!
Reply 9
hello gang it is 30/01 and I am #stressed! just finished mocks so i'm trying to get into the swing of actual school again and revising again but i am sooo tired but its ok #live #love #laugh. have been working on my history coursework, although dear god it's not getting any easier and my spanish IRP, which although i love and am so interested in my topic, i wonder why i chose such a current event because the news is just killing my brain -.-

had a speaker in school and they discussed their career and is lowk making me regret choosing history over international relations but its ok bc idk im trying to convince myself it was good i stuck with the safe option of history over something new!

todays plan is to also try go over some TDOM + ASND comparisons bc i know i didn't do as well in those mocks and spoke with my teacher on them on how to do more effective revision!
Original post by aizzicle
hello gang it is 30/01 and I am #stressed! just finished mocks so i'm trying to get into the swing of actual school again and revising again but i am sooo tired but its ok #live #love #laugh. have been working on my history coursework, although dear god it's not getting any easier and my spanish IRP, which although i love and am so interested in my topic, i wonder why i chose such a current event because the news is just killing my brain -.-

had a speaker in school and they discussed their career and is lowk making me regret choosing history over international relations but its ok bc idk im trying to convince myself it was good i stuck with the safe option of history over something new!

todays plan is to also try go over some TDOM + ASND comparisons bc i know i didn't do as well in those mocks and spoke with my teacher on them on how to do more effective revision!

good luck with your work :smile:! hope the irp is going okay ❤️
Reply 11
Original post by emm4nuella
good luck with your work :smile:! hope the irp is going okay ❤️

all the political jargon in spanish will be the death of me 💔 hope urs doing ok aswell babes ❤️
Original post by aizzicle
hello gang,
have decided i need to get onto my academic hot girl comeback era because i keep complaining about my grades being trash but that is literally on me not doing enough effective revision. this is my way to hold myself accountable bc i fear i wont if i dont atleast put this out into the universe

i currently do: spanish, english lit and history
predicted grades: ABB + A epq
degree applied for: history
current offer count: 4/5 !!!
goals: A*AA

things i wanna improve on (to help track progress)
- feeling less anxious about speaking practise
- all around more revision (spanish, although my best grade is my most neglected subject)
- learning more examples for the speaking!!!
- working on coursework more frequently, rather than doing big chunks
- revise each battle for war of the roses, its deffo the hardest topic for me
- more blurting, ive been using ineffective revision methods just because theyre quicker when blurting's helped me so much
english lit:
- more context learning for ted hughes
- familiarising myself more with hughes' animal poems (so boring to me!!!)
- more practise comparing DOM with ASCND (i noticed i really struggle with this, more than stereotypically harder books we do)
- working on my character profiles for hamlet more often
- spending more time on paradise lost to consolidate knowledge, especially for language analysis

i know this is loads but im really struggling to revise, and as i said, putting this into the universe for others to hold me accountable (atleast in my head) should help :tongue:

Go on, you got this. Also I am the exact same complaining about my mocks grades knowing full well I deserve less with the revision I have done.
Reply 13
Original post by Tatakae L
Go on, you got this. Also I am the exact same complaining about my mocks grades knowing full well I deserve less with the revision I have done.

i just have it in my head that when it comes to the real thing ill do better bc the only reason im not doing aswell now is bc im not really revising 😱
Reply 14
also hello gang 01/02 harry styles birthday 😲 should be celebrating but im currently trying to memorise my irp for tomorrow and do my history coursework.

honestly who knew there was so much about elizabeth's fertility because this is going to be the death of me... spanish today genuinely killed me because im now realising i know nothing about spanish grammar and have j been relying on how it sounds in my head and what feels more natural to say lolzers ☹️

ive also been super sick since november and genuinely need to go to the hospital but my local gp is so bad ive given up even tho im so dehydrated and have the worst running nose and i either cant sleep or sleep for 14 hours straight (like i did yesterday) 😛
Original post by aizzicle
i just have it in my head that when it comes to the real thing ill do better bc the only reason im not doing aswell now is bc im not really revising 😱

yh same but i am acc gonna try from npw cause these mocks were a wake up call because the people who are revising are getting the same or worse than me so that really shows how much ive been blessed but i take advantage of it so imma try from now on innit
Original post by aizzicle
also hello gang 01/02 harry styles birthday 😲 should be celebrating but im currently trying to memorise my irp for tomorrow and do my history coursework.

honestly who knew there was so much about elizabeth's fertility because this is going to be the death of me... spanish today genuinely killed me because im now realising i know nothing about spanish grammar and have j been relying on how it sounds in my head and what feels more natural to say lolzers ☹️

ive also been super sick since november and genuinely need to go to the hospital but my local gp is so bad ive given up even tho im so dehydrated and have the worst running nose and i either cant sleep or sleep for 14 hours straight (like i did yesterday) 😛

girllll you better go hospital if your gp is taking the ****. ik its long sitting in A&E but just take revision or a book with you at this point because what else can you do in those long waiting times
Reply 17
Original post by Tatakae L
yh same but i am acc gonna try from npw cause these mocks were a wake up call because the people who are revising are getting the same or worse than me so that really shows how much ive been blessed but i take advantage of it so imma try from now on innit

deffo. my big thing is lit doing ineffective revising bc its easier but then i get shock when it doesnt stick long term LMAO
Original post by aizzicle
also hello gang 01/02 harry styles birthday 😲 should be celebrating but im currently trying to memorise my irp for tomorrow and do my history coursework.

honestly who knew there was so much about elizabeth's fertility because this is going to be the death of me... spanish today genuinely killed me because im now realising i know nothing about spanish grammar and have j been relying on how it sounds in my head and what feels more natural to say lolzers ☹️

ive also been super sick since november and genuinely need to go to the hospital but my local gp is so bad ive given up even tho im so dehydrated and have the worst running nose and i either cant sleep or sleep for 14 hours straight (like i did yesterday) 😛

good luck for your irp!! currently trying to learn mine too aha. hope you're able to get better soon <3
Original post by aizzicle
also hello gang 01/02 harry styles birthday 😲 should be celebrating but im currently trying to memorise my irp for tomorrow and do my history coursework.

honestly who knew there was so much about elizabeth's fertility because this is going to be the death of me... spanish today genuinely killed me because im now realising i know nothing about spanish grammar and have j been relying on how it sounds in my head and what feels more natural to say lolzers ☹️

ive also been super sick since november and genuinely need to go to the hospital but my local gp is so bad ive given up even tho im so dehydrated and have the worst running nose and i either cant sleep or sleep for 14 hours straight (like i did yesterday) 😛

hope irp is going well :biggrin:

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