The Student Room Group

getting a job at uni

Since first year (am now 3rd) I have struggled to get a single job whilst studying (as well as over summer) and it's super frustrating.
I am 20 and have never had a job but it's not like i'm not trying, yet i feel pathetic and stupid and that i am behind in life.

In high school, quite a few people had jobs, so i feel ashamed that even now i have been very unlucky. I try applying for jobs offered by my Uni to no avail- and it's annoying cause the uni acts like student employment is so easy but it's clearly not lol.

The thing that is bugging me is that whenever i think about or hear other friends/acquaintances say they have a job, instead of feeling happy, I am super envious and jealous and it makes me feel like such a cow to say the least XI
Majority of people that have employment though are just lucky they have networks and family connections, and i find this so unfair.

What advice could you give me? FYI i have started my own tutoring so am currently self-employed, however i really want a real job, as in be employed by someone else :frown:
(edited 1 year ago)
Reply 1
Try looking on facebook, theres loads of groups to help people find jobs :smile:
Original post by Mystical_psychic
Since first year (am now 3rd) I have struggled to get a single job whilst studying (as well as over summer) and it's super frustrating.
I am 20 and have never had a job but it's not like i'm not trying, yet i feel pathetic and stupid and that i am behind in life.

In high school, quite a few people had jobs, so i feel ashamed that even now i have been very unlucky. I try applying for jobs offered by my Uni to no avail- and it's annoying cause the uni acts like student employment is so easy but it's clearly not lol.

The thing that is bugging me is that whenever i think about or hear other friends/acquaintances say they have a job, instead of feeling happy, I am super envious and jealous and it makes me feel like such a cow to say the least XI
Majority of people that have employment though are just lucky they have networks and family connections, and i find this so unfair.

What advice could you give me? FYI i have started my own tutoring so am currently self-employed, however i really want a real job, as in be employed by someone else :frown:

Have you looked on websites such as indeed?
Try places like mcdonalds (and other fast food places) as they take on quite a few students.
This wont apply until next xmas, but xmas temp jobs are worth a try as well.
Reply 3
Original post by Mystical_psychic
Since first year (am now 3rd) I have struggled to get a single job whilst studying (as well as over summer) and it's super frustrating.
I am 20 and have never had a job but it's not like i'm not trying, yet i feel pathetic and stupid and that i am behind in life.
In high school, quite a few people had jobs, so i feel ashamed that even now i have been very unlucky. I try applying for jobs offered by my Uni to no avail- and it's annoying cause the uni acts like student employment is so easy but it's clearly not lol.
The thing that is bugging me is that whenever i think about or hear other friends/acquaintances say they have a job, instead of feeling happy, I am super envious and jealous and it makes me feel like such a cow to say the least XI
Majority of people that have employment though are just lucky they have networks and family connections, and i find this so unfair.
What advice could you give me? FYI i have started my own tutoring so am currently self-employed, however i really want a real job, as in be employed by someone else :frown:
Have you looked into good interview techniques or what makes a good cv? I would also suggest voluntary work as that always looks good on a cv when applying.
Reply 4
Original post by Mystical_psychic
Since first year (am now 3rd) I have struggled to get a single job whilst studying (as well as over summer) and it's super frustrating.
I am 20 and have never had a job but it's not like i'm not trying, yet i feel pathetic and stupid and that i am behind in life.
In high school, quite a few people had jobs, so i feel ashamed that even now i have been very unlucky. I try applying for jobs offered by my Uni to no avail- and it's annoying cause the uni acts like student employment is so easy but it's clearly not lol.
The thing that is bugging me is that whenever i think about or hear other friends/acquaintances say they have a job, instead of feeling happy, I am super envious and jealous and it makes me feel like such a cow to say the least XI
Majority of people that have employment though are just lucky they have networks and family connections, and i find this so unfair.
What advice could you give me? FYI i have started my own tutoring so am currently self-employed, however i really want a real job, as in be employed by someone else :frown:

Try leisure centres I started when I was 16 and you don’t need experience to be a swim teacher or lifeguard you just need to know how to swim The pay is like £13.71 an hour and it can go up

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