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Failing maths GCSE

Hi, I’m wanting to take art and history (not too sure on the 3rd) for A level in sixth form collage in September.
I’m highly unlikely to get a 5 in my maths GCSE. It’s just not something that comes easy to me. I’m coming out with 7 in history and 8 in art (from mocks) hence the reason to take them for A level. I’ve went for my sixth form collage interview today and the lady interviewing said she was sure if I don’t get a 5 in maths I can’t take any A levels.
I was under the impression if I was to carry on with maths GCSE along side my Alevels I’d be ok taking my A level subjects.
Does anyone have any experience or insight in this matter? I’m literally only interested in fine art and history so I’ll be gutted if I can’t take these as I know I’m good at them. Any help anyone can give would be great. Thank you
Sorry you've not had any responses about this. :frown: Are you sure you've posted in the right place? :smile: Here's a link to our subject forum which should help get you more responses if you post there. :redface:
Original post by Katie78
Hi, I’m wanting to take art and history (not too sure on the 3rd) for A level in sixth form collage in September.
I’m highly unlikely to get a 5 in my maths GCSE. It’s just not something that comes easy to me. I’m coming out with 7 in history and 8 in art (from mocks) hence the reason to take them for A level. I’ve went for my sixth form collage interview today and the lady interviewing said she was sure if I don’t get a 5 in maths I can’t take any A levels.
I was under the impression if I was to carry on with maths GCSE along side my Alevels I’d be ok taking my A level subjects.
Does anyone have any experience or insight in this matter? I’m literally only interested in fine art and history so I’ll be gutted if I can’t take these as I know I’m good at them. Any help anyone can give would be great. Thank you

Use Maths Genie: Maths Genie Learn GCSE Maths for Free

Attempt as many of the questions on the website and watch the videos too.

You could suprise yourself with a 7 perhaps? 🙂 lol

Good luck.

I'm in a sort of same boat, wanting to get higher grades. What helped me most to get a 6 in mocks was just past papers.
Past papers 1/2 hours a day for any subject helps. Do the paper in chunks of 30 minutes and give yourself a 5/10 minute break.
Once you are confident, so a past paper fully and timed!

use Cognito Edu for Maths questions, videos and past paper qs.
use Sparx Maths for short term amendments. (Rip Hegarty 😂)
use Physics&Maths Tutor for revision.
use MathsGenie for revision and help.I

Most of all just don't burn yourself out. Don't do like 7 hours of maths and 8 hours of history (even though history is a hell amount of info to cram) .
keep it chunked up and give yourself a break!

like my old maths teacher said: SuCcesSfUlL PeOpLe HaVe SuCcEsSFuLL HaBITS! 🤓👆

keep me updated if this helps you!!!

I sound like a need but I'm not. Just an average guy trying to get a 7.
Original post by Katie78
Hi, I’m wanting to take art and history (not too sure on the 3rd) for A level in sixth form collage in September.
I’m highly unlikely to get a 5 in my maths GCSE. It’s just not something that comes easy to me. I’m coming out with 7 in history and 8 in art (from mocks) hence the reason to take them for A level. I’ve went for my sixth form collage interview today and the lady interviewing said she was sure if I don’t get a 5 in maths I can’t take any A levels.
I was under the impression if I was to carry on with maths GCSE along side my Alevels I’d be ok taking my A level subjects.
Does anyone have any experience or insight in this matter? I’m literally only interested in fine art and history so I’ll be gutted if I can’t take these as I know I’m good at them. Any help anyone can give would be great. Thank you

Why do you need a grade 5 in Maths; is that a school requirement?

Which board GCSE?
Original post by Katie78
Hi, I’m wanting to take art and history (not too sure on the 3rd) for A level in sixth form collage in September.
I’m highly unlikely to get a 5 in my maths GCSE. It’s just not something that comes easy to me. I’m coming out with 7 in history and 8 in art (from mocks) hence the reason to take them for A level. I’ve went for my sixth form collage interview today and the lady interviewing said she was sure if I don’t get a 5 in maths I can’t take any A levels.
I was under the impression if I was to carry on with maths GCSE along side my Alevels I’d be ok taking my A level subjects.
Does anyone have any experience or insight in this matter? I’m literally only interested in fine art and history so I’ll be gutted if I can’t take these as I know I’m good at them. Any help anyone can give would be great. Thank you

Check other schools? When I did A-levels (2019) I was told that only specific subjects required certain grades. My psychology A-level required a certain math grade that I did not get, however they instead looked at my performance across my science GCSEs and based on those grades they let me in.

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