The Student Room Group

Phlebotomist or dental nurse?

Is a job as a phlebotomist better or dental nurse?
In terms of workload and pay. As well how stressful the job is. Thanks.
Reply 1
Dental nurse pays better and is a more protected role. Anyone can be a phlebotomist with a quick course.
They're quite different roles. A phlebotomist is an HCA who just happens to have the role of taking blood. As above, to become an HCA you often don't need any specific training to begin with and then can move into phlebotomy specific roles afterwards I believe. To be a dental nurse you would need a relevant degree or apprenticeship normally though as I understand it.

Also be aware the working environments are likely very different - I suspect most phlebotomists work in hospitals (maybe larger GP surgeries might have a dedicated phlebotomist?), whereas dental nurses will usually work in dental practices. So much different scale. Also whereas phelobotomists might only spend a short amount of time with most patients, dental nurses may spend over an hour or more with individual patients and the dentist. You might also be more likely to see the same patients repeatedly over years potentially if you stay at one practice and so may develop more longer term relationships with the patients that way.

The actual day to day tasks each performs are probably quite different obviously as well! You might want to arrange some work experience in a dental practice and hospital and/or GP surgery to get an idea of what different people in each environment do :smile:

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