The Student Room Group

Is she interested

Hi guys I need some opinions
I’m in uni first year and there’s this girl in my accommodation that I kind of like, I haven’t told anyone this including her but I think she suspects I like her.

The reason for this is a long story that I won’t bother you with but last week we ended up kissing at the club a couple times. She has also done stuff in the past like stroke my hair and neck (when someone asked her why she was doing it, she said it was because I was “cute”) the thing is we don’t really talk that much even though I have her on Snapchat
She is quite extroverted so I’m not sure if the stuff she does is something she would do to anyone or just me which is why I am asking here, any response would be appreciated
Reply 1
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi guys I need some opinions
I’m in uni first year and there’s this girl in my accommodation that I kind of like, I haven’t told anyone this including her but I think she suspects I like her.

The reason for this is a long story that I won’t bother you with but last week we ended up kissing at the club a couple times. She has also done stuff in the past like stroke my hair and neck (when someone asked her why she was doing it, she said it was because I was “cute”) the thing is we don’t really talk that much even though I have her on Snapchat
She is quite extroverted so I’m not sure if the stuff she does is something she would do to anyone or just me which is why I am asking here, any response would be appreciated
Honestly, I think she has an attraction towards you through touchy images you've provided.
Original post by Anonymous #1
Hi guys I need some opinions
I’m in uni first year and there’s this girl in my accommodation that I kind of like, I haven’t told anyone this including her but I think she suspects I like her.

Even if you don't actually tell her, chances are certain things you do will give it away (unless you're a good actor).

For example, a smile that turns into a blush; a touch that turns into a caress; those times you're caught gazing in her direction etc.

The reason for this is a long story that I won’t bother you with but last week we ended up kissing at the club a couple times. She has also done stuff in the past like stroke my hair and neck (when someone asked her why she was doing it, she said it was because I was “cute”) the thing is we don’t really talk that much even though I have her on Snapchat
She is quite extroverted so I’m not sure if the stuff she does is something she would do to anyone or just me which is why I am asking here, any response would be appreciated

Well they say a drunk persons actions are their thoughts when they're sober. I'm assuming you see her when she's out and about with other people... is she as tactile (touchy-feely) with them? How well do you know her and her friends? Do you come up in conversation? Does she randomly ask you for advice / opinions... even if there are people blatantly better suited?

If she greets you (or says goodbye) with a kiss on the lips (not necessarily a full on snog), then she almost certainly does. A kiss on the cheek ("faire la bisse") is quite normal for friends (IMHO, it's the female equivalent of a handshake, for social events)... but unlike your crazy auntie, younger girls don't kiss guys on the lips unless they actually like them.
(edited 12 months ago)
Original post by Old Skool Freak
Even if you don't actually tell her, chances are certain things you do will give it away (unless you're a good actor).

For example, a smile that turns into a blush; a touch that turns into a caress; those times you're caught gazing in her direction etc.

Well they say a drunk persons actions are their thoughts when they're sober. I'm assuming you see her when she's out and about with other people... is she as tactile (touchy-feely) with them? How well do you know her and her friends? Do you come up in conversation? Does she randomly ask you for advice / opinions... even if there are people blatantly better suited?

If she greets you (or says goodbye) with a kiss on the lips (not necessarily a full on snog), then she almost certainly does. A kiss on the cheek ("faire la bisse") is quite normal for friends (IMHO, it's the female equivalent of a handshake, for social events)... but unlike your crazy auntie, younger girls don't kiss guys on the lips unless they actually like them.
Mon fréro
It is faire la bise not bisse🤣
But maybe it was a typo
Original post by Ackhnologia
Mon fréro
It is faire la bise not bisse🤣
But maybe it was a typo
C'est mon explication officielle et je la maintiens


Original post by Old Skool Freak
C'est mon explication officielle et je la maintiens


Hehe of course I know it was a typo😇
Your French is great after all 😏

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