The Student Room Group

100 days until A Levels

I’ve applied for medicine but am expecting full rejections so I’m going to try get the grades I need and reapply this year!

Currently working at:
- Biology: B
- Chemistry: B
- Maths: A

Aiming to get:
- Biology: A
- Chemistry: A*
- Maths: A

I’ll try to update everyday with a list of stuff I need to complete the next day!
Original post by slump
I’ve applied for medicine but am expecting full rejections so I’m going to try get the grades I need and reapply this year!

Currently working at:
- Biology: B
- Chemistry: B
- Maths: A

Aiming to get:
- Biology: A
- Chemistry: A*
- Maths: A

I’ll try to update everyday with a list of stuff I need to complete the next day!
good luck :smile:
Reply 2
Good luck!
Reply 3
D-95: 4 hours 25 mins - 6/10

Biology - 2 hours : Reviewed Topic 8, did an article question (Paper 3)
Chemistry - 30 mins : Reviewed Aromatic Chemistry, some seneca
Maths - 1 hour 55 mins : Reviewed whole of pure, did 2020 Paper 2

I got mocks really soon so I honestly should be revising much more.. I guess I’ll start tomorrow lmao

Plan for tomorrow:
Goal - 5 hours

Biology: Topic 5 Notes + Anki

Chemistry: Biochemistry

Maths: 2019 Paper 1

Original post by slump
D-95: 4 hours 25 mins - 6/10

Biology - 2 hours : Reviewed Topic 8, did an article question (Paper 3)
Chemistry - 30 mins : Reviewed Aromatic Chemistry, some seneca
Maths - 1 hour 55 mins : Reviewed whole of pure, did 2020 Paper 2

I got mocks really soon so I honestly should be revising much more.. I guess I’ll start tomorrow lmao

Plan for tomorrow:
Goal - 5 hours

Biology: Topic 5 Notes + Anki

Chemistry: Biochemistry

Maths: 2019 Paper 1

Welcome to Grow Your Grades! Sounds like you've got a pretty solid plan for getting where you want to be :smile: That's a lot of hours' of revision so I hope you're taking regular breaks!
Reply 5
D-94: 2 hours 57 minutes - 3/10

got drunk after school yesterday so could not study or update.. (never drinking again i swear..)

Biology - 57 mins: Topic 8 review (again)
Chemistry - 2 hours: Biochemistry self-learning + notes + pq
Maths - none..

Plan for today:
Goal - 10 hours

Biology: Topic 5 Notes + anki, Topic 1 and 2 review

Chemistry: Organic Chemistry review

Maths: need to concentrate more on bio and chem so just review notes of wrong answers

Please let today be a productive day..
Original post by slump
I’ve applied for medicine but am expecting full rejections so I’m going to try get the grades I need and reapply this year!

Currently working at:
- Biology: B
- Chemistry: B
- Maths: A

Aiming to get:
- Biology: A
- Chemistry: A*
- Maths: A

I’ll try to update everyday with a list of stuff I need to complete the next day!
good luck!! welcome to GYG 🙂
Reply 7
Original post by slump
D-95: 4 hours 25 mins - 6/10

Biology - 2 hours : Reviewed Topic 8, did an article question (Paper 3)
Chemistry - 30 mins : Reviewed Aromatic Chemistry, some seneca
Maths - 1 hour 55 mins : Reviewed whole of pure, did 2020 Paper 2

I got mocks really soon so I honestly should be revising much more.. I guess I’ll start tomorrow lmao

Plan for tomorrow:
Goal - 5 hours

Biology: Topic 5 Notes + Anki

Chemistry: Biochemistry

Maths: 2019 Paper 1

Do you find Seneca helpful for chem
Reply 8
Original post by panda41
Do you find Seneca helpful for chem
Lmaoo no.. it was just homework from school rip
I mean ig it could be helpful to learn new content but revision wise probs not as much

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