dont show guys ur caring side unless u fully trust them, or know they're nice ppl
i used to have the same problem until i had a lil self realisation moment where i was like only ppl that deserve it should see my sweet side, yh im still generally nice to everyone but if a guy is weird or says something off to me i'll confront him (even tho im the least confrontational person) or i'll litch just say something of matching stupidness back/turn it into something light
for example a guy ik in skl was like to me im an entitled princess (bcs i choose to stay behind in my free periods to study), and i just sed back to him well a princess i am, and i guess a girls gotta do what shes gotta do innit, whats ur problem?
guys are weird. if they try stalk u make it known to them that 1. ur too god for them and 2. u know ur worth and ur not afraid to stand up for yourself
hope this helps xx