The Student Room Group

Update on Potential Infestation - Please Help

Sorry this is going to be long.

I found 7 adult carpet bugs this morning, 2 on my bed, 3 under my bed, 2 on a throw on the other side of my room.
I thought that I was catching them as they were coming into my room but if I'm finding over 5 before lunch time I think it's probably coming from inside my room - all of the ones I've found have been crawling up from under my bed.
My bed is one of those beds where you can lift up the top part of the frame and the beneath the mattress & frame there's a huge storage area.

They are coming out of that storage area but the issue is I don't know how they got in - I absolutely hate this. I have tried talking to my mum about this but she says that I'm being overdramatic and that it's my own fault and I need to clean my room.
If these bugs are products of last years infestation (which she held the same attitude about) I wouldn't be surprised.
Last year I used to find 10-20 of these bugs dead on my windowsill every evening - I think as disgusting as it might be, a couple of the bugs might have found their way under my bed and that's probably why I'm having the issue I'm having now.

If they come from the storage space under my bed - that makes complete sense because that's the once place not cleaned regularly therefore I wouldn't have seen them. Also my carpet is really long/fluffy and dark so whenever I opened up my storage unit they probably would've just blended right in.
I have only found adults so far, I haven't actually found any larvae whatsoever, so, trying to be optimistic here but it could be adults coming out of hibernation (Though I don't know if carpet bugs hibernate)?

I so ashamed to make this but can anyone help?? Does anyone know what to do?? My mum doesn't want to get involved - she didn't really help when this was an issue last year but I don't want it to be a repeat, especially now that I'm finding them ON MY BED!!

Also a little context about carpet beetles;
They don't actually target carpets specifically, they go after all fibres - though if they are under my bed I think my carpet is their main target. My room has a lot of cotton throws/my bed is cotton etc - I am washing throws that were exposed when I found the bugs this morning but can't wash my bedding until tomorrow at least.
They are small - about the size of a pinhead, half the size of a ladybird. They are dark with white/brown patterns on them. There are specific bug sprays dedicated to killing them (I got one last year) but if they're under my bed, I'm not sure this would work because they could just crawl under storage.
They are active at night and are attracted to light areas during the dark/dark areas during the day. I've had one fly onto my phone a couple nights ago.
The infestation isn't bad enough for an exterminator but I have been finding more and more every single day.

The appearances of carpet bugs in my room started when my relative gave me this like fluffy blanket that you can wear (not sure of it's exact name) so, if they haven't flown into my room, I think it's possible the blanket could've had carpet bug eggs or larvae on it when gifted to me. The blanket was put under my bed in storage after it was gifted.
Reply 1
I've searched around the outside of the storage area underneath my bed - have not found anymore bugs, but that just might mean they're hiding out in the centre.
My dad told me that he actually recently went under my bed into the storage area to put two suitcases there, he did not see any bugs or larvae, this makes me think that they could be coming from behind my bed and then crawling beneath my bed. This is actually a worse scenario because behind my bed is the one area we can't get to.
Though the bugs being underneath the bed hasn't been completely ruled out yet cause, like I said they're hard to spot.
Reply 2
I think I'm going to use this little space to keep track of the infestation/record ways people have suggested help.

I found 4 more bugs - 3 literally just to the left of my bed (Not a good sign at all, this means they probably came out from behind my bed), 1 on the carpet at the end of my bed.
I had already hoovered in these places recently (Not even 2 hours ago) so how quickly they're returning is concerning me. Finding 11 bugs within 24 hours is not good. I'm genuinely scared, if I told my mum I think she'd get angry though.
1 question, why cant you get behind the bed to clean it? I'd be wanting to get in everywhere with a vacuum and a steam cleaner.
Reply 4
Original post by StriderHort
1 question, why cant you get behind the bed to clean it? I'd be wanting to get in everywhere with a vacuum and a steam cleaner.
My bed is pressed right up against the wall, there's only a very small crack, even the vacuum can't reach inside it - My bed is too heavy to pull out on my own and my parents don't believe that there's carpet bugs, even after showing them the adult & larvae.
I have found that majority were coming from under my bed but I have no doubt that there are probably some behind my bed that I'm unable to reach - other than behind my bed though all other areas have been cleaned so I'll hopefully be carpet beetle free for a while
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous
Sorry this is going to be long.
I found 7 adult carpet bugs this morning, 2 on my bed, 3 under my bed, 2 on a throw on the other side of my room.
I thought that I was catching them as they were coming into my room but if I'm finding over 5 before lunch time I think it's probably coming from inside my room - all of the ones I've found have been crawling up from under my bed.
My bed is one of those beds where you can lift up the top part of the frame and the beneath the mattress & frame there's a huge storage area.
They are coming out of that storage area but the issue is I don't know how they got in - I absolutely hate this. I have tried talking to my mum about this but she says that I'm being overdramatic and that it's my own fault and I need to clean my room.
If these bugs are products of last years infestation (which she held the same attitude about) I wouldn't be surprised.
Last year I used to find 10-20 of these bugs dead on my windowsill every evening - I think as disgusting as it might be, a couple of the bugs might have found their way under my bed and that's probably why I'm having the issue I'm having now.
If they come from the storage space under my bed - that makes complete sense because that's the once place not cleaned regularly therefore I wouldn't have seen them. Also my carpet is really long/fluffy and dark so whenever I opened up my storage unit they probably would've just blended right in.
I have only found adults so far, I haven't actually found any larvae whatsoever, so, trying to be optimistic here but it could be adults coming out of hibernation (Though I don't know if carpet bugs hibernate)?
I so ashamed to make this but can anyone help?? Does anyone know what to do?? My mum doesn't want to get involved - she didn't really help when this was an issue last year but I don't want it to be a repeat, especially now that I'm finding them ON MY BED!!
Also a little context about carpet beetles;
They don't actually target carpets specifically, they go after all fibres - though if they are under my bed I think my carpet is their main target. My room has a lot of cotton throws/my bed is cotton etc - I am washing throws that were exposed when I found the bugs this morning but can't wash my bedding until tomorrow at least.
They are small - about the size of a pinhead, half the size of a ladybird. They are dark with white/brown patterns on them. There are specific bug sprays dedicated to killing them (I got one last year) but if they're under my bed, I'm not sure this would work because they could just crawl under storage.
They are active at night and are attracted to light areas during the dark/dark areas during the day. I've had one fly onto my phone a couple nights ago.
The infestation isn't bad enough for an exterminator but I have been finding more and more every single day.
The appearances of carpet bugs in my room started when my relative gave me this like fluffy blanket that you can wear (not sure of it's exact name) so, if they haven't flown into my room, I think it's possible the blanket could've had carpet bug eggs or larvae on it when gifted to me. The blanket was put under my bed in storage after it was gifted.

Hello my bed is quiet similar and going through a similar situation are you based in Scotland Glasgow

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