The Student Room Group

Potential Infestation?

I’ve been finding these small, round beetles with markings on around my room. They look a LOT like carpet beetles so I think that’s unfortunately the case.

I have found 3 within the past 3 days - this is not my first encounter with them.
I found them consistently last year during autumn, usually dead on my windowsill or crawling around and I want to know how to fully get rid of them without them ever coming back? Or will they just always return?

I have my windows open during the day so I think they may be flying in and (hopefully) I’m catching the adults before they actually are able to hide and populate my room with carpet beetle babies.
I literally don’t understand why this is happening again - I dust/clean/hoover my room and sheets/throws are washed regularly. Is it just the fabric itself and the fact my room is warm that attracts them?

If anyone has had any experiences or knows what to do please lmk I just want these ugly little bugs to leave me alone for good. I feel really dirty posting this lol but just want them gone.
How small are they?
Reply 2
How small are they?
They're roughly around the same size as a seed/grain of rice, dark with white/brown patterns on them
Reply 3
Original post by Anonymous #1
I’ve been finding these small, round beetles with markings on around my room. They look a LOT like carpet beetles so I think that’s unfortunately the case.

I have found 3 within the past 3 days - this is not my first encounter with them.
I found them consistently last year during autumn, usually dead on my windowsill or crawling around and I want to know how to fully get rid of them without them ever coming back? Or will they just always return?

I have my windows open during the day so I think they may be flying in and (hopefully) I’m catching the adults before they actually are able to hide and populate my room with carpet beetle babies.
I literally don’t understand why this is happening again - I dust/clean/hoover my room and sheets/throws are washed regularly. Is it just the fabric itself and the fact my room is warm that attracts them?

If anyone has had any experiences or knows what to do please lmk I just want these ugly little bugs to leave me alone for good. I feel really dirty posting this lol but just want them gone.
Would you consider replacing your carpet (you'd likely want to hoover where the carpet was and maybe use some sort of anti-insect spray first)? Or maybe getting a professional in? (note: I'm not an expert though)
Reply 4
Original post by Anonymous #2
Would you consider replacing your carpet (you'd likely want to hoover where the carpet was and maybe use some sort of anti-insect spray first)? Or maybe getting a professional in? (note: I'm not an expert though)
Carpet is only like 2-3 years old so that's unfortunately out of question. The bugs aren't actually on the carpet I think they're targeting the area under my bed because I have a few furry pillowcases and throws under there and they're attracted to fibres iirc - Will definitely try insect spray though

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