The Student Room Group

Year 12 Mocks

Hi, I do 3 A-level subjects: English literature, Biology and History and we have our end of year mocks in June! I just wanted anyone's advice on how to revise for these subjects for an exam and how to achieve A*'s for each. Any advice is welcome especially anything people learned from.
Hiya! So my recommendation for English would be to make some mind Of key themes, quotes characters, etc for each chapter or same it depends what you’re studying. I have quite a lot of resources. Left over from my English A-level. If you want to have a look, then just give me a DM.

As for biology, I’d recommend having a look a past papers and focusing on the topics that you really do not understand which will help to pick up the extra marks

I’d recommend YouTube to have a look arts, quick summary videos or just for recaps. Quizlet is also really good as you can make your own flashcards on there and you can even use other peoples resources that hv been pre-made

For history, I’d recommend doing as much essay practice as possible on giving over key dates/facts , anyway that can help you get them to stick in your brain

Good luck for everything
Original post by Student12vnf
Hi, I do 3 A-level subjects: English literature, Biology and History and we have our end of year mocks in June! I just wanted anyone's advice on how to revise for these subjects for an exam and how to achieve A*'s for each. Any advice is welcome especially anything people learned from.

as @ebyrne2036 has said, work on your weakest points and just practice them through past papers to try and make them more obvious. I also thought I would add on a few parts.

For english lit (and im basing this off my gcses revision bc I dropped AS lit in the first week:blushing:) I would say link everything togeather. So once you have learned the key quotes and themes and charecters, try to link them all togeather sort of in a spiderweb sort of way. So Charecter A and B link with theme C and D through quotes E and F. I hope that makes sence lol.

For biology (which I am still taking in yr 12 for a levels) I would also recomend past papers. But not only as a way for weeding out the parts you are struggling on but also the key words because (if you take AQA) the examiners and exam board as a whole is really picky on the key words. You might know the content but if you miss out a key word then they wont give you the mark so its always a positive to learn them. Also flashcards and constant reacall really help. I make my mum and cousins sit through me explaining everything to them, even though it doesnt intrest them at all, but I find teaching it helps to stick in my head more.

And for history (im just going off what my freind does for this) I would say key dates, and mind maps. But something my history gcse teacher taught us was you dont have to know the exact date if you cant rememeber it, if you can blag on it by knowing the order and stuff then that can really help because its like a timeline so if you know this happened before this roughly at this time, then I think that should help. And also yes, essay practice because its such a huge chunck of History A level.

I had another point but its slipped my mind. I really hope this helped and good luck with your end of year mocks.:biggrin:
Reply 3
Original post by Student12vnf
Hi, I do 3 A-level subjects: English literature, Biology and History and we have our end of year mocks in June! I just wanted anyone's advice on how to revise for these subjects for an exam and how to achieve A*'s for each. Any advice is welcome especially anything people learned from.

For A Levels English Lit and English language, you can practice with this platform:

The way it works is simple: you add in the question, select the mark scheme and start typing your answer and it gives you feedback on what to improve and the grade based on the exam board you chose. Then you just keep improving the essay until you get the grade you want.

It works with AQA and other exam boards .. Hope that helps!

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