The Student Room Group

Amend hours in Tesco contract

Does anyone know how i can permanently increase my hours in my contract with Tesco rather than just picking up the odd extra shift now and then?
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Original post by FF2024
Does anyone know how i can permanently increase my hours in my contract with Tesco rather than just picking up the odd extra shift now and then?

There's a few options for you to increase your working hours at Tesco....
1) you can discuss with your store manager if it is possible for you to increase your weekly hours.
2) look through the current job vacancies at your store and see if there's anything else you can do with the extra amount of hours you are looking for. There's nothing stopping you applying for another job within your own Tesco store or at another close hand Tesco store if it means you are getting the hours you wanting to work.
3) overtime is optional, and not always ganuatee so the best option is to do one of the other two things I mentioned.

Team leader and stand in supervisor as required with Tesco, this is the best I can advise you about okay.

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