The Student Room Group

3rd year 2nd semester

I am currently in my 2nd semester of my 3rd year in University. Current have a GPA that is slgihlty below 3.0, aiming to improve it back to 3.0 this semester. My courses

1. Mathematical Finance
2. Intermediate Macroeconomics
3. Marketing
4. Business Law
Reply 1
Studied for a total of 5 hours today.

Made flashcards for Business Law mid-term. Topics covered mistakes, fraud and voluntary consent. and performance and discharge in traditional and e-contracts

For macroeconomics studied open economy and phillips curve

For Mathematical finacne watched youtube lectures on moment generation function, normal distribution, problass mass,density and distribution function

For marketing made notes for a quiz. Covered 6 chapters
Reply 2
Studied for a total of 7.5 hours today.

Made and revised flashcards for Business Law mid-term. Topics covered legality, statute of frauds, consideration, agrements in traditional contracts, nature and terminology of contract law

For macroeconomics studied open economy and phillips curve and uncovered interest parity

For Mathematical finacne watched youtube lectures on lognormal distribution and random walked

Revised Marketign notes of 6 chapters for quzi
Reply 3
Studied 3 hours today for marketing quiz which went well. Got some marks back, achieved highest marks in my Mathmeatical Finance mid-term. Business Law mid went terrible, guess ill have to be satisfied with a C+ in this course
Reply 4
Studied 4 hours today.

1 hour doign Criminal Law reading and makign notes

1 hour watching Normal Distrubtion lactures

1 hour watchin MAcroeconomics lectures on Mundell Flemming

1 hour working on Marketing group project
Reply 5
Studied 3 hours today.

1 hour doign Business Law reading and makign notes

1 hour watching ITO Lemma, Geometric Brownian Motion and martingale lactures

1 hour reading Macroeconomcis textbook

Aced the Criminal Law, Brownian Motion and Marketign quiz.

Scored highest marks in MAthematic Finance Midterm

The group project in marketing is also going well
Reply 6
Studied Mathematical Fiancne for 3 hours. Watched Youtube videos on stochastic processes, moment generating function, markov, martingale, ito calculus, pricing options using monte carlo simulation
Reply 7
Studied Intermacroeconomics for 3 hours today. Revised almost entire final syllabus

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