The Student Room Group


Mphil at intense is it and do you get any holidays? It says 51 week lease so when do you get breaks? Being there all year makes it really expensive! How much contact time compared to undergrad?
Original post by Lizyork
Mphil at intense is it and do you get any holidays? It says 51 week lease so when do you get breaks? Being there all year makes it really expensive! How much contact time compared to undergrad?

The terms work the same as they do at undergrad, you have lectures during the 8 weeks of term and it's vacation in between when you don't have to be in Cam (unless your specific programme runs differently, in which case it should say clearly on the website). The issue is the intensity, there is slim to no chance you won't have at least one essay over Christmas, likely 2, and at Easter, plus dissertation prep over Christmas, then dissertation and revision over the Easter vacation. So there's a reason it's called vacation, not holidays. There are no lectures, and you can manage your time and location how you like, but most people go home only for a few days at Christmas (if the travel is practical) and a week or so at Easter.

Courses vary, but your dissertation probably needs to be handed in in 31 July, or 20 Aug or similar. Colleges usually offer a 51 week for PhDs, but 38 or 51 for MPhils, but this is very College specific because of the variety or properties and alternate uses.

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