Hi! I’m considering a masters degree in creative writing. I am from Greece so I pay international fees. I’m much older than usual (40) and I already have a BA and a MA in English language and TESOL both from Greece. The reason I’m doing this is I want a change in career and a certification in a “writing” field since technically I am now an active writer and content writer and not a teacher anymore. I searched for masters in London (I want London) and the only not too expensive ones (12000-14000) were at Westminster, Greenwich, London Met and Bedfordshire. The ex polys. They are low rated and to be honest they are not what I had in mind, considering I’ll be paying a really lot of money plus accommodation. Queen Mary’s which is better is 24000£, too much for me to pay. There is Goldsmiths at 18000 and City at almost 20000. I don’t know about them. Does anyone know if they are worth it? Also, I am considering, if I don’t find any satisfying solution for a masters, enrolling in Oxfords continuing education Certificate of Higher education. I know it’s a much lower degree but is it totally worthless? It is flexible so I’ll be studying partly remote and partly in Oxford and plus it is much much cheaper. Do you think it would be a good idea if a masters is not viable?