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Calculator with subprogram?

Hello..! I need help with my task in programming in Java. Urgent..!
Please give some feedback..

Write a program that works like an ordinary calculator. User
can use it adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, and square roots, until you choose
exit from the program. The user also has the option of "reset" (ie. deletion
intermediate results).
Each of the operations calculator must be implemented in its method of
file that does not contain the main program.

Do not use the following methods in class String
- Contains (...), endsWith (...), indexOf (...), lastIndexOf (...)
- RegionMatches (...), replace (...), replaceAll (...), replaceFirst (...)
- Split (...), startswith (...), subsequence (...) and substring (...).
and do not use the methods of class Arrays.

here is what ihave done so far but it doesn't work...
The main program:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class nal {

@SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "unused" })
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

int st1 = 0;
int st2 = 0;
int izbira = 6;
int i;
int p;

Scanner vnos = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Glavni meni:");
System.out.println("1. Seštevanje");
System.out.println("2. Odštevanje");
System.out.println("3. Množenje");
System.out.println("4. Deljenje");
System.out.println("5. Kvadriranje");
System.out.println("6. Korenjenje");
System.out.println("9. Ponastavi");
System.out.println("0. Izhod\n");
System.out.println("Vpiši število operacije: ");

izbira = vnos.nextInt();

int rezultat = 0;
if (izbira == '1' || izbira == '2' || izbira == '3' || izbira == '4') {

System.out.println("Vnesi prvo stevilo: ");
st1 = vnos.nextInt();

System.out.println("Vnesi drugo stevilo: ");
st2 = vnos.nextInt();

if (izbira == '1') {
KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda1(st1, st2);
System.out.println("Sestevek je: "
+ KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda1(rezultat, rezultat));


if (izbira == '2') {
KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda2(st1, st2);
System.out.println("Razlika je: "
+ KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda2(rezultat, rezultat));
if (izbira == '3') {
KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda3(st1, st2);
System.out.println("Zmnozek je: "
+ KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda3(rezultat, rezultat));
if (izbira == '4') {
KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda4(st1, st2);
System.out.println("Kolicnik je: "
+ KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda4(rezultat, rezultat));


else if (izbira == '5' || izbira == '6') {

System.out.println("Vnesi stevilo: ");
st1 = vnos.nextInt();

if (izbira == '5') {
System.out.printf("Kvadrat stevila je: "
+ KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda5(rezultat));
if (izbira == '6') {
KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda6((double) st1);
double k11 = vnos.nextDouble();
System.out.printf("Koren stevila je: "
+ KalkulatorskaKnjiznica.metoda6(rezultat));

} else {
System.out.printf("Izbrali ste napačen znak!"); // če vnese napačen
// znak

if (izbira == '9' || izbira == '0') {

while (izbira == 9) {
if (izbira == 0) {




and the subprogram:

import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Scanner;

class KalkulatorskaKnjiznica {

public static int metoda1(int st1, int st2) {
int rezultat;
rezultat = st1 + st2;

return rezultat;


public static int metoda2(int st1, int st2) {

int rezultat;
rezultat = st1 - st2;

return rezultat;

public static int metoda3(int st1, int st2) {

int rezultat;
rezultat = st1 * st2;

return rezultat;

public static int metoda4(int st1 , int st2) {

int rezultat;
rezultat = (st1 / st2);

return rezultat;

public static int metoda5(int st1) {

int rezultat;
rezultat = st1 * st1;

return rezultat;

public static int metoda6(double k1){

int rezultat;
rezultat = (int) Math.sqrt(k1);

return rezultat;


public static void metoda9(){

Scanner vnos = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Vnesi stevilo 9, za ponastavitev: ");
int p = vnos.nextInt();


public static void metoda0(){
Scanner vnos = new Scanner (;
System.out.println("Vnesi stevilo 0, za izhod: ");
int i = vnos.nextInt();


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