The Student Room Group

Famous people attending your uni!

So I'm just curious, does anyone know of any "famous" people who will be attending, or already do attend the same university as you?
I guess by famous people it could be celebrities/politician's kids etc, an internet famous person from youtube etc or whatever! Just a bit of fun.
Edgar Wright went to mine (Spaced, Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz etc..)

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Reply 2
Not really sure if famous but Greg Storey from "I swear I can't help it" and "Tourettes: Let Me Entertain You" was in my halls :P
Alex Jones - presenter on The One Show
Reply 4
Gerard Butler :cool:
Reply 5
There's a girl in my halls who is massively tumblr-famous, apparently? I am so not down with the kids... :s-smilie:
Reply 6
Umm, Jeremy Kyle used to go to mine so :cool:
Reply 7
Original post by Rananagirl
There's a girl in my halls who is massively tumblr-famous, apparently? I am so not down with the kids... :s-smilie:

I'd stay clear of her then! in my experience anyone 'internet famous' is incredibly stuck up.
Reply 8
Andy Serkis aka Gollum :biggrin:
Reply 9
inb4 a list from oxbridge
Maggie Thatcher went to mine..
Reply 11
Bryan Cox, Alan Turing and a hell of a lot more
Reply 12
Did ANYONE read the question? Read it again, then answer it. I think an Olympic Silver Medallist goes to Surrey, but can't remember the name. The topic wasn't about celebrity alumni.

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Original post by kyleg22
Did ANYONE read the question? Read it again, then answer it. I think an Olympic Silver Medallist goes to Surrey, but can't remember the name. The topic wasn't about celebrity alumni.

Posted from TSR Mobile

haha yeah, this is what I meant!
Reply 14
Haha! I knew what you meant :tongue:
Rosie Huntington Whitelys sister goes to Leeds .... that's all I know and it's not very exciting!
Original post by treeoflife
Bryan Cox, Alan Turing and a hell of a lot more

I'm assuming you mean Manchester based on Brian Cox, and if so: Alan Turing never actually attended Manchester. He was educated at Cambridge and Princeton; he merely worked at Manchester for a short while.

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