The Student Room Group


i am convinced that my memory is deteriorating, i cant seem to remember things that people tell me anymore, i forget things all the time. my friends have also started to comment and quite frankly get aggrevated when i cant remember things

i have only started to notice it for the last year or so as i used to have an excellent memory. it is starting to affect my uni work as i cant remember things i have learned from as little as the day before

i would go to the doctors but i think i may just be being silly, does anybody know if this kind of thing happens at my age (20) without serious injury or something?
I had some advice for you but I can't remember what it was
Reply 2
ha ha funny,
or had anybody any advice on how to boost memory
sorry, erm I dunno, eating certain things can help to improve your memory such as apples and eggs I think but I think most people have memory problems hence the noticeboards inclusive in most university rooms and I could never get by without my student planner. I remember my ex g/fs gran telling me once that her mother was worried about having a bad memory and she went to the doctor and he pointed at all the notes pinned on his wall and said he had a bad memory too. I wouldn't worry about it.
Reply 4
i am convinced that my memory is deteriorating, i cant seem to remember things that people tell me anymore, i forget things all the time. my friends have also started to comment and quite frankly get aggrevated when i cant remember things

i have only started to notice it for the last year or so as i used to have an excellent memory. it is starting to affect my uni work as i cant remember things i have learned from as little as the day before

i would go to the doctors but i think i may just be being silly, does anybody know if this kind of thing happens at my age (20) without serious injury or something?

are or have you been on any medication?

i was on medication last year and you forget if i had taken it or not and since has messed it up a bit i seen to have long memory such as when i was little
Reply 5
no i havent been on any medication
i am convinced that my memory is deteriorating, i cant seem to remember things that people tell me anymore, i forget things all the time. my friends have also started to comment and quite frankly get aggrevated when i cant remember things

i have only started to notice it for the last year or so as i used to have an excellent memory. it is starting to affect my uni work as i cant remember things i have learned from as little as the day before

i would go to the doctors but i think i may just be being silly, does anybody know if this kind of thing happens at my age (20) without serious injury or something?

I have EXACTLY the same problem and have been struggling with it for a coupla years now (I'm 18) - really don't know what to do, it really gets me down and the GP just dismissed it completely :frown: Let me know if you find anything and good luck!
Reply 7
Me too.

I'm 20.

I know the exact reason, i drink too much.

Will go back to normal when i quit.

Kinda ironic, as my memory was my best tool in my life.
Reply 8
buy a memory card and put it in your ear. :smile:

i have a crap memory too, i just have to write everything important down. but then i forget where i put it.
I have a bad memory. That's why I have a calendar, a noticeboard, a whiteboard and two desks, not to mention endless supplies of pencils and paper. I'm the least forgetful person I know now, whereas before I did this I was as forgetful as everyone else.
Reply 10
everyone I know complains about this after they turn 18. memory just goes to ****e after you turn 18, it seems
Reply 11
yeh i think most people are sayin they have a bad memory though but im sayin i used to have a really good one and its just turned to mulch
Don't use DSLite brain training, it sucks.
Reply 13
Nah, mine used to be awesome and then went crap after 18
Reply 14
Mine too.

Still ok now, but hell, i got the highest grade in an AS sociology module through reading the textbook 5 days before, having never been to a lesson lol

Couldn't do that now lol probably lose the book!
take omega 3 tablets. honestly, there is quite a lot of evidence for it
my brother has epilepsy and one of the problems because of it is he has a really really bad memory. he started taking gincgo biloba (not sure about the spelling there) and his memory has definatley improved. it takes time though you wont be seeing over night success if you do decide to take and dont forget about drug interactions! so if youre taking any medication at the moment best talk to your dr