The Student Room Group

I have a brain injury

Trigger warning - suicide


I did something to myself in 2019 that resulted in me losing consciousness and stopping breathing.

Long story short, I later found out that I have (minor) acquired hypoxic brain injury due to stopping breathing.

It's really effecting my short term memory and how 'sharp' I am.
I can't remember things people say to me even if it was 30 mins ago.
I'll read an email with instructions, but have to keep referring back to the email to follow them because I can't 'hold on' to the instructions.

Anybody have any knowledge or experience of this, it's really getting me down 😢
Reply 1
Ah I'm sorry you went through this, It could be that you improve with time and therapy to help building memory. Could also be some medications out there, keep close with a GP and therapist and I know you will pull through.

I have experience of short term memory loss, it's quite bad at times but idk if it's related to past experiences like yours, mine is probably stress. Sometimes there are days where everything seems perfect, and other days where it is really hard to get things done, but I want you to know this happens to lots of people in similar ways, I know you are smart because you are really good at communicating your struggles and feelings in a way other people can understand, this is a really good skill that takes many people years to gain!

Sorry for the ramble, but yeah keep with the links both personal (eg meeting friends and family) and professional (GP, memory therapy, ect) and I think you will notice an improvement over time. Many people who have milder anoxic/ hypoxic brain injury can recover in months or years, you may still improve on your memory despite the time that has passed. Try to keep your brain active through puzzles you enjoy and keep in contact with your support team. If you don't currently have this, try to get some form of rehabilitation wether NHS or private. is a link to a website where you can search for providers by region, and is a helpline, I wish you the best.
****, that sucks. Did the same stupid thing a couple of years ago, but luckily I came out unscathed.
First and foremost, you should visit a doctor. Maybe he can give out some advice to fix your short-term memory through exercises or medication if need be. Best of luck to you!
Original post by Hallo!!!!!!!!!!!
****, that sucks. Did the same stupid thing a couple of years ago, but luckily I came out unscathed.
First and foremost, you should visit a doctor. Maybe he can give out some advice to fix your short-term memory through exercises or medication if need be. Best of luck to you!

Yeah, not good.
It is minor in the sense that somebody walking past me or interacting with me in the street wouldn't know, but it definitely effects my short term memory really bad.
I'm hoping fo the best. If you need someone to talk to if you feel down, you can message me. (Original post by mathperson)
Original post by Hallo!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm hoping fo the best. If you need someone to talk to if you feel down, you can message me. (Original post by mathperson)

Thank you.
Tbh I am feeling really down at the moment. I took a couple of years out of work (a few years ago) to sort myself out and over the past 2 years or so that I've been in work again, the memory issues are more obvious in that environment.
Already feeling hacked off at my new job too.
Tbh I'm not sure in which direction this is heading...