The Student Room Group

LGBT+Soc - *for more serious discussion*


The best, nay, the ONLY official TSR society to join if you are Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Trans or even, in the words of the great Matt Lucas, "Just a little bit poofy"!! Here shall be the place where we gossip, bitch, and be gay...!! [Although I may point out that sometimes we decide to have serious discussions aboout gay issues!! And we offer advice for ANYONE about ANY aspect of their sexuality, regardless of preference :smile:] Enjoy the thread... :biggrin:

So, what to say... here is the long anticipated new LGBT thread - with its gorgeous new leader - moi!! So, if you are Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay or Transgender and feel like being a member then all you have to do is click on Socs at the top of the page, and there you will see a list of all the possible socs you can join. Simply click on the LGBT soc [where you will see the logo and description of the soc], jot in a reason [if you feel like it, I usually accept most requests unless the user is a troll known by me] - et voila, when the lovely Fleff or myself get round to accepting, you're a member and the society will appear in a pop down menu in your post but [like mine if you click on the bit that says "My Societies" at the top of this post! :smile:

Now, the symbol that we use to represent LGBTers on TSR. Basically, our symbol is the above *points at lovely rainbow triangle* and the people have decided that it was going to face down!! Here's the reason why the TSR LGBTSoc's symbol looks the way it does now, as told by the wonderful SB!! :biggrin:

The Symbol

And also, there is a LOT more to LGBT than just this little [well, not so little anymore] old thread...

> LGBT Members Questionnaire (because we love to be nosey!!) - fill this in when you join the society!! :smile:

> LGBT Picture Thread (yep, here we are in all our glory!! :biggrin:) - PM me if you post a picture and want it to be added to the thread :smile:

>LGBT Chat (because some people just can't shut up!! :p:) - basically this thread is now for LGBT related posts ONLY, the other thread is if you want to chat to other LGBTers about normal, boring, everyday stuff. :smile:

>Share your coming out stories here, and support others!

... So as before, then. Serious matters in here, absolutely no spamming :p:

Chat thread's moved to here. I've edited the link in SWuh's quote too though so no real need to worry.
Questionnaire and picture thread are still the same :smile:

Oooooh, list of honorary members [who support LGBTers], mainly to avoid confusion, also because it's easier than listing everyone [please tell me if I've missed anyone]:

fanofkdc [sort of - applied but had too many socs already]

Please tell me when you apply to join if you're an honorary so I can add you to this list! Cheers :biggrin:
(edited 9 years ago)

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Reply 1
Right-o, inspired by that thread in D&D: If there was a way to become straight by altering your hormones, would you take that choice? Similar to the "straight pill" idea.
Reply 2
Right-o, inspired by that thread in D&D: If there was a way to become straight by altering your hormones, would you take that choice? Similar to the "straight pill" idea.

I think I might. Simply because I get on much better with women than men. It wouldn't change my life much because currently all the friends I can hangout with are straight and I rarely get to experience gay life. However there should also be a "Gay pill" if you want to go back, or if people simply don't like being straight.
Reply 3
I would never voluntarily change an intrinsic part of my being just to suit others, even if that part offended their nature (homophobia). I'm me and I won't change for anyone, as Ashlee Simpson sang (though compromise on habits etc for girlfriends is obv different).
Reply 4
My thoughts on changing is that it might make me happier rather than to suit others or fit in.
Reply 5
Are there parts of you you hate/don't exactly love? I myself know how hard it is to love oneself for who we are, but it's something we all have to try to do :smile:
Reply 6
I would never voluntarily change an intrinsic part of my being just to suit others, even if that part offended their nature (homophobia). I'm me and I won't change for anyone, as Ashlee Simpson sang (though compromise on habits etc for girlfriends is obv different).

It could be to suit yourself though, that's the thing.
Reply 7
Are there parts of you you hate/don't exactly love? I myself know how hard it is to love oneself for who we are, but it's something we all have to try to do :smile:

Are there parts of me that I don't hate would be a better question. The answer would be no. I have very low self esteem so loving myself is quite impossible.
Right-o, inspired by that thread in D&D: If there was a way to become straight by altering your hormones, would you take that choice? Similar to the "straight pill" idea.

Nope. No question about it, it's like asking me if I'd take a pill to make my hair less ginger. :p: There's no point. It's me, if other people don't accept it that's fine, I'm sure they'd find something else to hate about me if I wasn't gay/ginger/whatever else.

Are there parts of you you hate/don't exactly love? I myself know how hard it is to love oneself for who we are, but it's something we all have to try to do :smile:

I'm happy with myself. There are probably bits of me I would change if I thought about it but I honestly see no need to think about it. :smile:
Reply 9
i'm going to join the lgbt soc at uni :biggrin:
Right-o, inspired by that thread in D&D: If there was a way to become straight by altering your hormones, would you take that choice? Similar to the "straight pill" idea.

no way! i love being bi! and i miss it as i haven't had the chance to do anything with girls in a long time.if you have a problem,then go away.i shouldn't have to change to's like i'm black,but that's different,because i might actually be inclined to take a pill that would change my skin colour...but meh...
Reply 11
If there was a way to become straight by altering your hormones, would you take that choice? Similar to the "straight pill" idea.
Nope, not me :smile: But then, in regards to being T, what really constitutes as being "straight"? That having a penis makes you classed as male (hence straight would mean being attracted to women), or that you feel so strongly that you are a woman inside a man's body (hence straight would mean being attracted to men) (and vice versa for FtM Ts)?
Reply 12
Nope, not me :smile: But then, in regards to being T, what really constitutes as being "straight"? That having a penis makes you classed as male (hence straight would mean being attracted to women), or that you feel so strongly that you are a woman inside a man's body (hence straight would mean being attracted to men) (and vice versa for FtM Ts)?

Hmm. When we are talking about hormone treatments, would SRS count? Depending a little on the definition I guess you could say that a MtF who likes men became "straight", thou I dunno how many trans peopel who would feel as if the word "straight" describe them very well...

As for me, why would I want to become straight? That would just mean that I wouldn't fancy boys anymore, which would be a bit of a pitty.
Reply 13
Nope, not me :smile: But then, in regards to being T, what really constitutes as being "straight"? That having a penis makes you classed as male (hence straight would mean being attracted to women), or that you feel so strongly that you are a woman inside a man's body (hence straight would mean being attracted to men) (and vice versa for FtM Ts)?

Well personally, I don't think what is in between your legs defines your gender necessarily at all, so if I liked women, I would be lesbian, and with men, I would be straight, so in my case I am probably more "straight" but I am still open to somebody of any gender (including androgyne/genderqueer) so that's why I'm pansexual.
Reply 14
Well personally, I don't think what is in between your legs defines your gender necessarily at all, so if I liked women, I would be lesbian, and with men, I would be straight, so in my case I am probably more "straight" but I am still open to somebody of any gender (including androgyne/genderqueer) so that's why I'm pansexual.

One thing I have pondered about when it comes to pansexuality is wether it should be considered a sub-cathegory of bisexual, or completely separate to it. I bet there are lots of people who describe themselves as bi who would probably fit the description of pan quite well ( like myself as an example).
Reply 15
Well personally, I don't think what is in between your legs defines your gender necessarily at all.

mmmm, true. Thou it is quite common to refer to gay and lesbian couples as "same sex couples" rather than "same gender couples" so I guess it would depend slightly on what you are talking about.
Reply 16
mmmm, true. Thou it is quite common to refer to gay and lesbian couples as "same sex couples" rather than "same gender couples" so I guess it would depend slightly on what you are talking about.

Yes, it can get confusing, as with the examples of "transsexual man" and "transsexual woman", where some people are confused as to who they refer to. For me, a transsexual woman is somebody like me, who is a woman but also a transsexual (male to female) and a transsexual man is female to male. However, in some medical references, I would be called a "transsexual male" because I am physically male but transitioning to female, and female to male people would be called "transsexual females", and the same with sexuality, where transwomen attracted to men are called "homosexual transsexuals" because they are physically male, although according to their gender identity it is incorrect, but is done for the sake of convenience of reference according to their birth sex, and also because this is how they would have appeared before transition.
I'm confused by the transexual thing, because I know so little about it all. Who would a MTF date for example? Straight guys, gay guys or women? Ofcourse it depends if you're attracted to men or women, but are straight guys okay about dating a MTF? Or gay guys? Or do MTFs date FTMs?
Reply 18
I'm confused by the transexual thing, because I know so little about it all. Who would a MTF date for example? Straight guys, gay guys or women? Ofcourse it depends if you're attracted to men or women, but are straight guys okay about dating a MTF? Or gay guys? Or do MTFs date FTMs?

Transexuality is separate to your sexual orientation so it could be either. Very basically put, transexuality is about who you want to be, whereas homosexuality is about who you want to be with. So a MTF could be attracted to men, women, or both depening on her orientation. Also, note the use of teh pronoun "her". It is pretty much convention to refer to transsexuals by the gender they identify with (at least if they live like it ).

As for who would date a transsexual, well that is more a matter of the other person than it is about the transsexual in question. I personally wouldn't mind, but I guess there are some people who do. Among those who would date a MTF who has transitioned, I would imagine you would find straight men, bisexual men and women, and lesbian women. I could be wrong, but I somehow doubt very many gay men would want to date a woman, and depending on how successful the transition is you might have to make a rather intimate examination ( as in, penetrative ) to tell the difference between a transitioned MTF and a woman born female ( by sex ).

If you want to read up on it, the wikipedia articles are fairly good. Pay particular attention to the distinction between sex and gender ( they are not the same thing ).
Reply 19
I wouldn't take that pill, it would be as if being gay was a disease you could cure. That way there'd be even more gay bashing and parents forcing their gay children on the pill, for example.