The Student Room Group

Girls - receding hair on guys?

Firstly a question for the girls here... how much of a turn off is a receding hairline on guys? I'm not talking about a bald spot at the top, but a hairline that's definitely retreating.
Would it put you off completely, or would it depend on the guy's personality? Would you prefer a guy with a receding hairline to shave his hair/comb it over as unpretentiously as possible/just let it be?

As for my problem: I know, of course, that the most attractive quality in men is confidence, but I've always had self-esteem issues, and losing the battle against my hairline isn't helping. I've cut mine to around a number one before, and it doesn't really suit me, especially being blonde - when it grows a little longer I spike it up and feel a bit better about myself, but then I'm told by friends that it makes my hair look even thinner. When it grows longer still (enough to need a comb) my self confidence goes out of the window. I look in the mirror and feel nothing but disgust.

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I'm not a girl but I don't think it's that much of a problem. Jude Law is in a similar situation to you - blonde, receding hairline - and he seems to get his fair share of the ladies, so why not you?

Reply 2
try not to worry too much about it - hair line isn't the top of girls priorities in a guy :smile:

I know it probably makes you feel like crap, but thankfully I don't think it's too much of a problem. A guys general looks and style are far more important. We're not that bad that we pick apart little details like that :smile:
Reply 3
LOL that would be my worst nightmare receding hairline. Along with balding and acne. Yeh I'm superficial AND WHAT? Everyone is to a certain degree because what you look like matters a lot despite people trying to say otherwise.

Sorry to jack your thread but I wanna ask something to any biologists out there. My dads bald pretty much, my older brothers going bald (he's only 25). I have 2 brothers I'm the youngest so ... as my older brother is bald that means I'm not likely to go bald young right? Because damn I wouldnt like to loose my hair at 25 :redface:
Reply 4
north bank gooner
I'm not a girl but I don't think it's that much of a problem. Jude Law is in a similar situation to you - blonde, receding hairline - and he seems to get his fair share of the ladies, so why not you?

Er, because he's Judes Law. He'll get 'his fair share of the ladies' even if he was really ugly. I'm a guy (straight) so maybe my opinion don't count but honestly he aint looking too hot in that picture is he
I wouldn't care about it :smile:
Reply 6
I think if you have the all set.
Like J.Law, my guy is loaded, d blings etc...people will forget his hairline.
Reply 7
funny thread as I noticed this on a guy I know about two days ago... yes girls will probably notice but to be honest I didn't care after i'd got over the initial fact that his hair was receding. If a girl cares that much about you then shes not going to be worried about something as small as that!
Stop worrying about it. It is so far down the list of turn-offs, it isn't even worth considering.
Reply 9
Honestly? It wouldn't bother me personally in the slightest and I don't think it would bother any of my mates either.
Please try not to fret over it too much, thinning hair isn't going to put most girls off. DO NOT comb it over just leave it natural :smile:
Reply 10
its all about how you carry yourself x honest dont worry, if she likes your personality it wont be an obstacle
Reply 11
I think balding guys are hot
Reply 12
LOL its such a big turn off because all i'll be doing is laughing i don't think i can ever take that person seriously! would all be like a big joke to me....but it does depend on how far back his hairline starts init loooooool
Reply 13
I can honestly say I wouldn't notice at all.
to be honest, it might turn me off a little bit if it was REALLY obvious.

Sorry to jack your thread but I wanna ask something to any biologists out there. My dads bald pretty much, my older brothers going bald (he's only 25). I have 2 brothers I'm the youngest so ... as my older brother is bald that means I'm not likely to go bald young right? Because damn I wouldnt like to loose my hair at 25 :redface:

Independent probability son, you gonna go bald.
Reply 16
When it grows longer still (enough to need a comb) my self confidence goes out of the window. I look in the mirror and feel nothing but disgust.

Despite being relatively young, my boyfriend has been losing his hair for a good few years now. I can honestly say that I find him very attractive and I love him with all my heart, just the way he is. Send me a PM if you'd like to talk further.

Male hair loss is only an issue if you let it become one.
Reply 17

Sorry to jack your thread but I wanna ask something to any biologists out there. My dads bald pretty much, my older brothers going bald (he's only 25). I have 2 brothers I'm the youngest so ... as my older brother is bald that means I'm not likely to go bald young right? Because damn I wouldnt like to loose my hair at 25 :redface:

I'm pretty sure premature baldness is a sex linked characteristic... i.e. it depends on your Mum's genes, not your Dad's.

You get your Y chromosome off your Dad which contains no allele for this characteristic, you get your X chromosome off your Mum, which is either recessive (bald) or dominant (not bald) ... That's what'll decide your fate. Your brother is prematurely bald, so assuming your Mum isn't, she's got one of each allele and your chance is 50/50.

Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm only an A level Biologist. :smile:
Listen friends much importance for hair is that you have to eat good diet ok like food containing proteins ,fruits,vegetables and fruit juices and regularly we have to maintain it .The way you do like this for your hair as long as you will not worry about it.drink lot of water around 2litres per day to be fit and .Then you are all set
Reply 19
It’s destroyed my confidence and I find myself crying about it. I’ve contemplated going bald but I’m scared I’ll look worse if I do.