Before you start this make sure you read through both of your case studies one child and one adult
P1: Explain the importance of promoting equality and diversity for individuals with different needs Start by defining what equality and diversity is on
page 4 to 5 using
this book or
this if you don't have the book. Then explain why it's important for us to promote equality and diversity for the adult and child in your case study (i.e. it's important to promote equality and diversity for Ben so that we can give people equal opportunities etc.)
P2: Explain the skills and personal attributes necessary for professionals who care for individuals with different needsUse
page 7 to 12 to help you with this task then link it to your case study
P3: Explain how to incorporate ethical principles into the provision of support for individuals with different needs For this you need to explain different ethnic principles (use
page 14 to 15 for guidance) and how these principles can be applied to support individuals one adult and child in your case study (i.e. the four key ethical practices of principlism which are ...... can help Ben to.......)
P4: Explain the strategies and communication techniques used with individuals with different needs to overcome different challenges Use
page 24 to 31 for strategies and page 35 to 40 for communication techniques to help you with this task. For this you need to list down strategies AND communication techniques to help the individulas in your case study overcome different challenges
P5: Explain the benefits of promoting personalisation when overcoming challenges faced by individuals with different needs Use
Page 32 to 34 to help you. (i.e. one of the benefits of promoting personalisation towards Rebecca who is paralysed is that.......)
P6: Explain why meeting the needs of the individuals requires the involvement of different agencies Use
page 44 to 47 to help you. (i.e. Ben who has downs syndrome needs different agencies such as the CCQ to meet his needs so that they get high quality care etc.)
P7: Explain the roles and responsibilities of different members of the multi-disciplinary team in meeting the needs of specific individualsUse
page 47 to 48 to help you (i.e. the role of the speech therapist for a child with autism is to...) make sure that you choose an example of a specific individual you would want to talk about as you would need this later on (i.e. a 11 year old child with autism)
P8: Explain the arrangements for managing information between professionalsUse
page 54 to help you (i.e. professionals manage information to oher professionals by...)
MERITM1: Analyse the impact of preventing discrimination for individuals with different needs
For this you need to explain the importance of preventing discrimination. (i.e. It's important to prevent discimination because if we don't it can lead to individuals with different needs having a loss of confidence in themselves...) make sure you give more than one reason. Clue: page 5 for ideas
M2: Assess different methods professionals might use when building relationships and establishing trust with individuals with needsPage 11 to 13 to help you. Talk about ways which a professional can build a relationship and trust with individuals (i.e. one way in which a professional can build a relationship is... (attachment...) one way they can build trust is (emphathy...) then explain in more detail about this
M3: Analyse how an ethical approach to providing support would benefit specific individuals with different needsFor this, do some reaersch on a ethnical approach i.e. Principlism use page 14 to 15 for ideas for an ehnical approach to use then explain how this would benefit an individual with a specific need that you have choosen to talk about (i.e. the theory Principlism can (help to support/benefit) a child with autism because...)
M4: Assess the strategies and communication techniques used to overcome different challenges faced by individuals with different care and support needsFor this, you need to explain the pros and cons for the different strategies and communication techniques that you have spoken about in P4 (i.e. BSL might be useful for deaf individuals however....)
M5: Assess the benefits of multi-disciplinary and multi-agency working for specific individuals with care and support needsFor this part, explain why the individuals in your case will need multi-disciplinary team working for them (i.e. Rebecca needs multi-disciplinary teams such as …. To provide high quality care for her or to support her throughout her day to day life (think of as many benefits as you can)
Use page 47 to 49 for guidance
M6: Analyse the impact of legislation and codes of practice relating to information management on multi-disciplinary workingFor this, talk about how legislation such as the data protection act and codes of practice such as the 6Cs can impact a multi-disciplinary team (go to page 57 for list of legislation and codes of practice) for example, if the someone in the multidisciplinary team doesn’t follow the data protection act by talking to you multidisciplinary team in a public space they’re sharing information to other people and breaking the data protection act (tip in page 57 that shows a table think of how breaking these legislations can impact each act or code of practice)
Use page 50 to 57 for guidance
D1: Evaluate the success of promoting anti discriminatory practice for specific individuals with different needsFor this, explain the benefits that the healthcare professionals has done in the case study to promote anti discriminatory practice to the individuals in your case study (for example, by the healthcare professionals promoting anti discriminatory practice towards Ben who’s a wheelchair they are promoting equality, diversity and preventing discrimination by following the equality act and giving him access to the hospital) (tip look at the whole of learning aim A heading and subheadings and develop your points with these headings)
D2: Justify the strategies and techniques used to overcome ethical issues and challenges experienced by individuals with different needs when planning and providing careFir this, explain
WHY these strategies and techniques you talked about to overcome ethical issues and challenges can benefit the individuals you talked about in your case study (for example one of the strategies used to overcomes ethical issues is for Ben is managing confidentiality the reason why the healthcare professionals need to manage confidentiality is that it enables trust between the service users and healthcare professional in the attachment theory it states that…) and then do the same for over coming challenges (one paragraph for ethical issues the one paragraph for challenges)
Page 16 to 23 and 24 to 32 for guidance
D3: Justify how organisations and professionals work together to meet individual needs while managing information and maintaining confidentialityFor this explain
WHY professionals need to work together to manage information and maintain confidentiality while also meet individual’s needs (the case studies). For example, professionals must work together to maintain information and confidentiality about Sam because he’s a vulnerable child with abusive parents they should do this by the multidisciplinary team having meetings in private, storing information where nobody can see and making him anonymous by referring to him as Childs A, by doing this they are following the data protection Act and the CCG code of practice they are also keeping Sam safe from his parents
Use page 50 to 57 for guidance
D4: Evaluate how multi-agency and multidisciplinary working can meet the care and support needs of specific individualsFor this part treat this like a conclusion. Explain why multi-agency and multidisciplinary are important and how they can meet the support needs of individuals in general by going through your previous points and mentioning your case study (For example, multi-agency and multidisciplinary teams are important for supporting Rebecca’s needs because….)
Sorry it took so long, hope it's helpful if you need help feel me to message me
Unit 7: Principles of Safe Practice in Health and Social Care Work ExplainedUnit 8: Promoting Public Health Work ExplainedUnit 12: Supporting Individuals with Additional Needs Work Explained