With regards to years abroad, once you've got the travel bug- which you probably will have done after a gap year of travelling- you really won't care about the destinations offered, as you'll pick one of them as a chance to see/do that part of the world. I was really concerned about year abroad options when I applied, then by the time I got to 2nd year and looking into it, Edinburgh had changed their options and I was left with Finland, and Finland only if I wanted to do Erasmus (can't afford to go outside Europe due to too much travelling in my uni summers thus far) and here I am. I never in a million years envisaged myself living in Finland at all in my life, but I'm loving it. The university exchange expereince would be similar anywhere, and I'm getting to travel in places where I've not been before. If you're that into travelling and that up for doing a year abroad, you honestly won't mind where you end up!