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Gay and Muslim

So I’m gay but I’m also a Muslim. It’s considered haraam in Islam but i cannot just not be gay if u get what I mean. Like if I could choose to be straight I would. Idk what to do cos I’m nearly 20 and no one in my life knows. And I do believe in Islam and it’s teachings so I don’t want to just leave the religion?

Anyone going through the same thing? I just feel bottled up and not my true self because I hide these things from people

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Choose one. Either Gay or Muslim. You cant be both at the same time.
Original post by JAckieee.chan
Choose one. Either Gay or Muslim. You cant be both at the same time.

I think there's probably millions of closeted muslims in the world who are both of these things.
Reply 3
Original post by JAckieee.chan
Choose one. Either Gay or Muslim. You cant be both at the same time.

If you believe in a deity of some kind, wouldn’t it, by logic mean that it made you that way?

Hypothetically it’s no different to asking someone to abstain from women if they are a man.
The way I’ve always seen religion, the written scriptures of whatever you follow were written by people. People are flawed and people also make mistakes/mistranslations or possible miscommunications between one person and another.

So for you to say that something was said the exact same way hundreds or thousands of years ago, I am likely going to call some sort of shenanigans because people have trouble remembering what they said last week word for word, let alone hundreds of years back!
One such example, I believe this is the case as I heard this somewhere, however I could be wrong.

I believe Islam’s initial stance of drinking was to abstain from praying whilst drunk, it then slowly transitioned to no drinking at all. I could however be wrong but I swear I’ve heard that somewhere before.
Original post by Scienceisgood
One such example, I believe this is the case as I heard this somewhere, however I could be wrong.

I believe Islam’s initial stance of drinking was to abstain from praying whilst drunk, it then slowly transitioned to no drinking at all. I could however be wrong but I swear I’ve heard that somewhere before.

I don't think so, drinking has always been haram.
Original post by Anonymous
So I’m gay but I’m also a Muslim. It’s considered haraam in Islam but i cannot just not be gay if u get what I mean. Like if I could choose to be straight I would. Idk what to do cos I’m nearly 20 and no one in my life knows. And I do believe in Islam and it’s teachings so I don’t want to just leave the religion?

Anyone going through the same thing? I just feel bottled up and not my true self because I hide these things from people

What you can do, if you wish to continue following Islam properly is simply not act on your homosexual desires. However this would be very difficult and I understand if that's impossible for you.
Original post by Scienceisgood
One such example, I believe this is the case as I heard this somewhere, however I could be wrong.

I believe Islam’s initial stance of drinking was to abstain from praying whilst drunk, it then slowly transitioned to no drinking at all. I could however be wrong but I swear I’ve heard that somewhere before.

yes yes yes!! at first it was haram to pray drunk then it slowly increased before drinking became haram altogether
Original post by Anonymous
So I’m gay but I’m also a Muslim. It’s considered haraam in Islam but i cannot just not be gay if u get what I mean. Like if I could choose to be straight I would. Idk what to do cos I’m nearly 20 and no one in my life knows. And I do believe in Islam and it’s teachings so I don’t want to just leave the religion?

Anyone going through the same thing? I just feel bottled up and not my true self because I hide these things from people

pray to god for advice and avoid doing anything sexual with the same gender until you're sure of which path you want to follow, also remember you can always be a sinning muslim so you don't need to resort to leaving the religion if you believe in it.
Original post by sanwwio
pray to god for advice and avoid doing anything sexual with the same gender until you're sure of which path you want to follow, also remember you can always be a sinning muslim so you don't need to resort to leaving the religion if you believe in it.

I think homosexuality is too severe a sin for that sort of thing.
Reply 12
Original post by JAckieee.chan
Choose one. Either Gay or Muslim. You cant be both at the same time.

You can’t tell someone whether they can be Muslim or not
Original post by sufys12
I think homosexuality is too severe a sin for that sort of thing.

It is, but there are many muslims who don't pray or wear headscarf these are very big sins and are what differentiates muslims who from others yet it isn't seen as a big deal as it's rather common. They're all actively sinning and are muslims, hence sinning muslims despite the unseen severity. I believe Allah will be more forgiving if you choose to repress your desires and also remain as a muslim despite your temptations. I can't tell whether you want to leave Islam because you think the sin is too big or you're looking for an excuse to, remember Allah forgives everything, as long as you try to stay on the right path or genuinely feel guilt for your sins there's no reason to leave Islam unless you have lost faith.
Original post by sanwwio
It is, but there are many muslims who don't pray or wear headscarf these are very big sins and are what differentiates muslims who from others yet it isn't seen as a big deal as it's rather common. They're all actively sinning and are muslims, hence sinning muslims despite the unseen severity. I believe Allah will be more forgiving if you choose to repress your desires and also remain as a muslim despite your temptations. I can't tell whether you want to leave Islam because you think the sin is too big or you're looking for an excuse to, remember Allah forgives everything, as long as you try to stay on the right path or genuinely feel guilt for your sins there's no reason to leave Islam unless you have lost faith.

You agree that it is too bad, as per your first two words.
Sexual sinning is deemed much worse than missing a prayer or not wearing a hijab, after all the people of Lot were destroyed for homosexuality.
Also those sins are much easier to fix than homosexuality. I don't think failing to wear a hijab is nearly as bad as homosexuality.
You quoted me, I'm not gay lol, nor am I looking to leave Islam.
No, Allah doesn't forgive everything. Usually, He only forgives minor sins or those commited prior to conversion. For major sins He is much less forgiving.
(edited 3 years ago)
Original post by Anonymous
So I’m gay but I’m also a Muslim. It’s considered haraam in Islam but i cannot just not be gay if u get what I mean. Like if I could choose to be straight I would. Idk what to do cos I’m nearly 20 and no one in my life knows. And I do believe in Islam and it’s teachings so I don’t want to just leave the religion?

Anyone going through the same thing? I just feel bottled up and not my true self because I hide these things from people

Hiii! So I am 15 however I have been studying Islam since I was 3!!! Just wanted to let you know that Allah loves you so much, don't ever think you are a failure. Now as a person with knowledge Islamically I am supposed to pass my knowledge down so here I am. First off, DO NOT LEAVE THE RELIGION! The best you can do is, just keep your feelings to yourself. Don't embrace being gay publicly (do not date). As a muslim we should never publicly come out with a sin and show it to the rest of the world. (Kudos to you for keeping your post anonymous!...) I also know MANY people who are in the same situation as you are who have become straight. Just see your situation as a test from Allah that you must surpass. Hope this helps darling!
Lets just start off with "He only forgives minor sins", my dear brother or sister, how could you EVER assume the mercy and forgiveness Allah has for His creation.
"For major sins He is much less forgiving." PARDON? There has got to be no way you just said this! As a sister who has been studying Islam for years. This is just really well, dumb.... Please before posting something on social media, look over your work, proofread....
Original post by Anonymous
So I’m gay but I’m also a Muslim. It’s considered haraam in Islam but i cannot just not be gay if u get what I mean. Like if I could choose to be straight I would. Idk what to do cos I’m nearly 20 and no one in my life knows. And I do believe in Islam and it’s teachings so I don’t want to just leave the religion?

Anyone going through the same thing? I just feel bottled up and not my true self because I hide these things from people

Just saying I know tons of gay Muslims. Grew up around my gay uncles and trans aunties every Eid for years and years. Only thing it taught me? To be accepting of everyone, no matter their gender, race, sexuality... I understand it's haraam to be LGBT but some people I know look past religious points on other things, such as alcohol, or always eating halaal food, or always wearing a hijaab, so it depends on you TBH.

Also, I'm known as 'the pansexual Muslim' at school apparently - so you can definitely be both. You don't have to choose between the two. Nobody can make you.
Original post by Anonymous
So I’m gay but I’m also a Muslim. It’s considered haraam in Islam but i cannot just not be gay if u get what I mean. Like if I could choose to be straight I would. Idk what to do cos I’m nearly 20 and no one in my life knows. And I do believe in Islam and it’s teachings so I don’t want to just leave the religion?

Anyone going through the same thing? I just feel bottled up and not my true self because I hide these things from people


I also went through the same thing last year when I was 20. I also had a similar mentality but ultimately decided to leave the religion as the religion I used to think of fondly became a burden. If you can handle being Muslim and the stigma associated with being gay then go for it.
Salam! I'm a gay Muslim, and I'm 16. I sometimes have the same questions, mainly because of everyone challenging me on my religion constantly. I admit that I'm not the best example of a Muslim but from what I understand, I try to be my best and be nice to people. Uphold the Islamic in society etc. I still need to figure out myself and I have the same doubts as you. I just hope we both find our chosen path soon. Stay safe!