The Student Room Group

When I mark my education section as compete on UCAS it unmarks my employment section

I have no employment, so I didn't add anything and just marked it as complete. Everything was completed, and I had only my reference left to send so I pressed send request. Then it said I couldn't, and unmarked my education section. I went back and pressed section complete for education and save. After that it unmarked my employment, I went back and marked employment then clicked send reference request then it unmarked my education section. HELP
UCAS requires you to EITHER list qualifications OR employment. You can’t apply with neither.

If the employment section is compulsory when you complete the education section then you must be marking it as complete with no qualifications listed.
Your Education section needs to be a FULL education history. GCSEs, A levels (or equivalent) must be listed along with your university study
Original post by brohe7
I have no employment, so I didn't add anything and just marked it as complete. Everything was completed, and I had only my reference left to send so I pressed send request. Then it said I couldn't, and unmarked my education section. I went back and pressed section complete for education and save. After that it unmarked my employment, I went back and marked employment then clicked send reference request then it unmarked my education section. HELP

How did you resolve it
Original post by Iakeworal2
How did you resolve it

See post 2 and 3

An application needs to list either qualifications or employment. You can’t leave both sections blank.
Reply 5
See post 2 and 3
An application needs to list either qualifications or employment. You can’t leave both sections blank.

I've got the same problem and found this thru search.. I already filled in all my education with GCSEs and A-Levels but it still won't let me save with no employment for some reason
Reply 6
I've got the same problem and found this thru search.. I already filled in all my education with GCSEs and A-Levels but it still won't let me save with no employment for some reason

Talk to the UCAS person at your school or phone UCAS for advice.
Reply 7
Original post by McGinger
Talk to the UCAS person at your school or phone UCAS for advice.

Actually it turned out to be my buggy laptop lol. Thanks for the response regardless!