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Sixthform Choice

Should I change sixthform?
For context, my current school is very good and grammar and the teachers I have a close connection with and support me in my ambitions and for the most part has the ability to do so. The school I knew i would get an offer from is much larger and known for more prestige and calibre of students but I'm not sure I should take it because I don't want it to feel impersonal.
Saying this with experience(I changed schools for my A-levels but only because I immigrated) I would recommend you stay and enjoy your social life rather than feel like a stranger/outcast/imposter in a new environment. Just do your A-levels in a good environment because in the end universities only looks at your final grade. Let's take it that you get AAB in your old school and ABB in the new school, you would still have a higher chance of acceptance with an AAB grade. The point is, schools don't matter, grades matter. Better to prepare and give exams without the stress of a new environment.
Reply 2
Original post by Full_power
Saying this with experience(I changed schools for my A-levels but only because I immigrated) I would recommend you stay and enjoy your social life rather than feel like a stranger/outcast/imposter in a new environment. Just do your A-levels in a good environment because in the end universities only looks at your final grade. Let's take it that you get AAB in your old school and ABB in the new school, you would still have a higher chance of acceptance with an AAB grade. The point is, schools don't matter, grades matter. Better to prepare and give exams without the stress of a new environment.

Thanks, it's still a bit of a struggle choosing but I'm glad for the advice. :smile:
Original post by LizJ1
Should I change sixthform?
For context, my current school is very good and grammar and the teachers I have a close connection with and support me in my ambitions and for the most part has the ability to do so. The school I knew i would get an offer from is much larger and known for more prestige and calibre of students but I'm not sure I should take it because I don't want it to feel impersonal.

If you havent already done so, id visit the other 6th form and have a look round. See what you think of the place.
I stayed at my schools 6th form and to be honest i wish id changed. Id always loved school up until the end of ear 11. I still liked the school in the 6th form, but by the end of year 13 i was ready to leave (in a good way). I went to one of the local colleges after i finished my a-levels to do a level 3 course there. I absolutely loved it. I wished id have changed place sooner.
To be honest i think i got bored of my old 6th form really. I was there for 7 years in total- from the ages of 11-18. I changed a lot over those years.
I think going elsewhere after year 11, (although i would have missed my old school to start with) would have been a nice fresh start for me.
Original post by LizJ1
Should I change sixthform?
For context, my current school is very good and grammar and the teachers I have a close connection with and support me in my ambitions and for the most part has the ability to do so. The school I knew i would get an offer from is much larger and known for more prestige and calibre of students but I'm not sure I should take it because I don't want it to feel impersonal.

I am currently in year 13 and remember being in the same position as you. I moved from a local comprehensive school to a state grammar school and am really happy that I moved - by year 11, I was definitely ready to leave. It seems a little bit daunting at first but didn't take me very long to get used to and absorbed into the vibe and atmosphere of the school. To help me decide, I went to the transition days at both schools so I could get a feel for it as if I was an actual sixth form student.
Overall, I'd say definitely worth a shot 🙂

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