The Student Room Group

Love at first sight

Is it possible to fall in love with someone before you meet them
Original post by Loutive1984
Is it possible to fall in love with someone before you meet them

Just means you've fallen in love with their personality.
What sort of contact have you had with them?
(edited 1 year ago)
Original post by Loutive1984
Is it possible to fall in love with someone before you meet them

No. Not in that way to spend and share my life with someone forever.
For men yes, for women no.
Before seeing them or hearing their voice and not knowing anything about them? :confused:

Somebody who bases their concept of love at first sight solely on a random stranger's gaming/social media/forum activity is most likely either desperately lonely or in love with the idea of love at first sight. Not the random stranger that they are interacting with.
Original post by Anonymous
For men yes, for women no.

As a man I am, I disagree. I know that attractiveness and love has not to be the same automatically.
Original post by Kallisto
As a man I am, I disagree. I know that attractiveness and love has not to be the same automatically.

But women say totally opposite thing that's why I asked.
Original post by SaucissonSecCy
What sort of contact have you had with them?

talking on the phone

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