The Student Room Group
Unis do not specify any subject requirements for Law - they just want high grades.
An essay subject is useful for skills but not essential and many IB science students do very well on a Law degree.

Choose subjects you will enjoy studying, and where you feel most confident of high grades.
I was offered 37 total points, with 666 at higher level subjects to study law in England.
I achieved 38 total points, with 775 at higher level subjects.

Will the University still accept my grades or are they strict with the 5 and I may be rejected? Thanks....
Original post by Anthony.John
Will the University still accept my grades or are they strict with the 5 and I may be rejected?

Depends entirely on that Uni and how low they are going on 'accept below'.
Phone the Uni on Monday and ask them 'when will you be able to make a decision'.
Original post by bilge_m
So i have chosen my subject and my school does not offer history in IB what can you offer i do is it a bad impact if i want to study Law or does me not taking history risks my chance of not getting in a good uni
My subjects are
HL Bussiness
HL Global Politics
HL English
SL Math
SL Turkish

Your LNAT score + top grades for HLs are both important for Law. HL History is often a traditional subject to apply to Law but it is not always necessary. HL English and HL GloPo are great. Between HL Business and HL Econs, HL Econs is deemed to be more academic. There is often a bias towards ESS. Would you consider a SL Science?
Im currently studying law at Cambridge and didn’t take history in the IB as my school didn’t offer it and it didn’t impact my application at all! Just do subjects you enjoy and feel you could score well in :smile:
Original post by bilge_m
So i have chosen my subject and my school does not offer history in IB what can you offer i do is it a bad impact if i want to study Law or does me not taking history risks my chance of not getting in a good uni
My subjects are
HL Bussiness
HL Global Politics
HL English
SL Math
SL Turkish

I’d swap business with econ.
Original post by bilge_m
So i have chosen my subject and my school does not offer history in IB what can you offer i do is it a bad impact if i want to study Law or does me not taking history risks my chance of not getting in a good uni
My subjects are
HL Bussiness
HL Global Politics
HL English
SL Math
SL Turkish

Your subjects are fine for law. It's basically impossible to choose a poor combination of subjects for law with IB due to the structure of the course more or less guaranteeing you have a large proportion of your studies being traditionally academic.