The Student Room Group

Orthoptics Applicants 2024

If you're applying to uni for Orthoptics for 2024 entry, introduce yourself to fellow applicants, ask questions and share your experience of applying so far:

What universities are you thinking of?
A level / BTEC / IB / Higher predicted grades
Extra curriculars

Please don't share details of interview questions on the forum - it gives those who follow you an unfair advantage.

@CamembertPaws FYI
(edited 1 year ago)

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hey, I'm a 3rd year orthoptics student at the University of Liverpool!

if anyone has any questions, feel free to reply to this and I'll try to answer.
Original post by rashid2002*
hey, I'm a 3rd year orthoptics student at the University of Liverpool!

if anyone has any questions, feel free to reply to this and I'll try to answer.

hi i was just wondering, is it hard to get a job in the field of orthoptics? i don't want to do the degree then struggle to find a job :frown:
hey, I’m applying!
Original post by l_pxtel
Hi has anyone got an interview from Sheffield/liverpool?
What questions could they ask?
I thought Biology and Maths A level will be helpful for the course

What predicted grades are you applying with?
Original post by JessicaGreen2005
hey, I’m applying!

What predicted grades are you applying with?
Reply 6
Has anyone got an interview and heard back? I had the interview in middle of nov but haven’t heard back
Reply 7
Original post by l_pxtel
Has anyone got an interview and heard back? I had the interview in middle of nov but haven’t heard back

Hi, I had my interview last week for Liverpool and got an offer 3 days later. What uni was your interview with?
Original post by gabs1

Hi, I had my interview last week for Liverpool and got an offer 3 days later. What uni was your interview with?

hi what was the interview like? what sort of questions did they ask? :smile:
Reply 9
Original post by gabs1
Hi, I had my interview last week for Liverpool and got an offer 3 days later. What uni was your interview with?

mine was with sheffield
Original post by l_pxtel

mine was with sheffield

how did your sheffield interview go? what type of questions did they ask :smile:
Reply 11
Original post by l_pxtel
Has anyone got an interview and heard back? I had the interview in middle of nov but haven’t heard back

I have mine in a few days, what kind of questions should I expect? Do I need to know anything specific?
Original post by gabs1

Hi, I had my interview last week for Liverpool and got an offer 3 days later. What uni was your interview with?

how was the liverpool interview? what types of questions did they ask :smile:
Original post by normaw
If you're applying to uni for Orthoptics for 2024 entry, introduce yourself to fellow applicants, ask questions and share your experience of applying so far:

What universities are you thinking of?
A level / BTEC / IB / Higher predicted grades
Extra curriculars

Please don't share details of interview questions on the forum - it gives those who follow you an unfair advantage.

@CamembertPaws FYI

Hi I’m applying for orthoptics, I am predicted a Distinction with B got conditional from Glasgow, upcoming interview at Sheffield and still waiting on Liverpool!
Original post by rashid2002*
hey, I'm a 3rd year orthoptics student at the University of Liverpool!

if anyone has any questions, feel free to reply to this and I'll try to answer.

Have you got any tips on interviews and how long did it take for Liverpool to get back to you as I’m still waiting for a response , thank you!
Reply 15
Original post by goodse38
how was the liverpool interview? what types of questions did they ask :smile:

Just make sure you know the difference between orthoptics and optometry and can explain their job role to a good extent and you’ll be fine!!
Reply 16
Original post by Gabie2005
Have you got any tips on interviews and how long did it take for Liverpool to get back to you as I’m still waiting for a response , thank you!

Have you had any interviews yet? I really recommend using Future learns orthoptics course so that you can really understand their job role properly, it really helped me prepare for my interviews!! Also, know the definitions of the nhs core valuess
Original post by gabs1
Have you had any interviews yet? I really recommend using Future learns orthoptics course so that you can really understand their job role properly, it really helped me prepare for my interviews!! Also, know the definitions of the nhs core valuess

yeah I did future learn as soon as I heard about it from Sheffield it has been very helpful actually.
Reply 18
Has anyone got any offers? If so what is your top choice? I personally can't decide between Liverpool and Sheffield and need help deciding!!
Student Finance England is opening applications for full-time undergraduate courses for 2024 entry on Monday 11 March. Put a reminder in your calendar. :cyber:

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