Good morning lads, it has been some time since I've left my home country.
So we went to burn some incense at my grandma's, then arrive at the airport at 10 am local time, had a second breakfast (argh my stomach), received a few ang pows from some super nice-su relatives yay, said bye to my mom and then flew with my grandma and uncle to Singapore and arrived there at 2 pm to transit to London.
Haven't been on a plane since 2019 so it was fun again! Unfortunately I've never been on a transit plane twice so I mistook my London flight seat for the Singapore flight seat, thus sat on the wrong seat. Twice. (Wanna kms) And almost forgot to take my phone with me. Later on the economy class chair starts to make my long legs sore. Air plane food wasn't bad, didn't finish the beef for lunch tho cuz I have a very small stomach. Towards the end of the flight I got moved to the business class cuz my uncle and grandma was there and omg LEG SPACE I can stretch them now so happy.
Changi was pretty much unrecognizable (then again I've forgotten how it looks like so it ought to be unrecognizable technically?!) Then we went to a relative's place before eating a vegan dinner with my uncle's old classmate and his wife cuz my grandma is a vegan. Dude was Puxian but can speak Southern Peninsular Malaysian Hokkien, or Singapore Hokkien idk they're kinda the same (Puxian is a group from Southern Fujian and is a less common variety in SEA.) Grandma and uncle-dude spoke Mandarin which is sus, cuz at home all my relatives speak Hokkien, but apparently the Chinese in Singapore up until the adults all speak Mandarin cuz the government want to promote a common lingua franca among the various mutually unintelligible Chinese dialects. But yea grandma and uncle dude switched to Hokkien once they start talking about money in public which is funny hahaha.
Anyways after dinner we went to the airport at 8 am, and somewhere along here my phone ran out of video storage so i can just take pics only which sucks. Eventually I tried deleting Discord, Insta (never used but lmh frrshers use it for updates so wraaghhh I need), and WeChat which uses friggin 1.2 Gigs huh?!
Grandma and uncle went to Silverkris lounge, but since you can't take guests in there I'll have to wait outside for a bit. The place was pretty cool, shops and all (not like I like shopping) but there is this super annoying water fountain with a sensor which I can't operate. 3 people used it before I can make it to work (by asking the 3rd guy 🥲).
This is getting long so part 2 coming up soon