The Student Room Group

Offers for Radiography

What are good enough A Levels for me to be accepted into an interview for radiography? The entry requirement say BBB but I’m sure its competitive and if I get BBB is an offer likely? Just really interested.
I think they will interview you if you are predicted BBB or above in the right subjects and your personal statement and school reference look like a good fit for the course.

I don't know how much universities trust predicted grades. They obviously want to know you will meet the entry requirements, but beyond that they will be more interested in your personal statement and interview, so don't worry too much about grades as long as you are on track for BBB then you should apply!
Original post by shironage
What are good enough A Levels for me to be accepted into an interview for radiography? The entry requirement say BBB but I’m sure its competitive and if I get BBB is an offer likely? Just really interested.

Unis have to be honest about their entry requirements, so if they say BBB that is what they will accept. For healthcare courses, your shadowing and work/volunteering experience will also be key. Make sure you include them in your personal statement.
Diagnostic Radiography is reasonably competitive, so getting in with lower grades or through clearing is less likely. Some unis will offer places on their Radiotherapy degree to applicants who don't make it onto the D Rad course since radiotherapy struggles to recruit enough students.
Original post by shironage
What are good enough A Levels for me to be accepted into an interview for radiography? The entry requirement say BBB but I’m sure its competitive and if I get BBB is an offer likely? Just really interested.

Hi Shironage,

I am a Radiographer, I would absolutely say apply if you get a BBB (hopefully you get an even higher grade!)

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