The Student Room Group


What would you say is the average amount you spend on food and drink each day.
Original post by Nikita Joukovski
What would you say is the average amount you spend on food and drink each day.

Hey there @Nikita Joukovski !

I'm not sure about each day because I meal prep and things but living by myself I usually end up spending around £30 a week on food and drink. This is my weekly food shop and doesn't include going out for food or going out for drinks with my friends on the night. Sometimes the shop is a bit more or less but that's the average amount. It tends to be more when I bulk buy fresh meat because I buy the larger packs and bag it up separately to freeze.

Hope this helped!
Lucy - Digital Student Ambassador SHU
Original post by Nikita Joukovski
What would you say is the average amount you spend on food and drink each day.

Hi Nikita,

My basic grocery shopping costs me around £30 per week. I plan my meals weekly and go shopping with a shopping list in order to avoid buying unnecessary products. I also highly recommend doing your groceries in Lidl or Aldi because they offer the most attractive prices.

Average prices of eating out vary depending on the city. I love Leicester for its student affordability. I pay approximately £5-7 for a fast-food meal. Prices in tried and trusted restaurants for a main course start from just £6. Another great option is the university's canteen as they offer bargain prices. A nutritious lunch at my university costs around £5, meal deal, which includes a sandwich or wrap, a snack, and a drink, is worth less than £4. Food Village at De Montfort University is my common choice as they have decent portions and prices

Finally, I am addicted to the 'Too Good To Go' app, where restaurants and grocery shops advertise surprise bags with food that was not sold on a particular day. You pay nominal money and always get a great amount and variety of food. It sometimes ends up being cheaper than regular grocery. The difference is that you do not have to cook, but you can enjoy delicious meals.

I hope you will find that helpful! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions :wink: You can also chat with me and other student ambassadors through The Ambassador Platform.

Take care,

Julia :h:
Psychology student
De Montfort University
Original post by Nikita Joukovski
What would you say is the average amount you spend on food and drink each day.

@Nikita Joukovski

It's more about how much you might spend a week.

It can be difficult to give an amount, especially if you go shopping two or three times a week or at the start of term when you might buy more because you have to re-stock after the holidays. It also depends on inflation and how much you buy when there are deals on in the supermarkets (whether you choose to stock up on items when they are cheaper to buy) as well as how much you are able to benefit from reward schemes. It also depends on what shops/supermarkets are closest to you and what things you are willing to spend less on and what things you are willing to pay extra for e.g. a supermarket brand or a family favourite brand. There is also your diet e.g. if you are vegetarian or a meat eater.

Hope that helps,

Oluwatosin 3rd year student University of Huddersfield
Original post by Nikita Joukovski
What would you say is the average amount you spend on food and drink each day.

Hi @Nikita Joukovski,

A lot of students have a different way of budgeting- especially when that loan comes in!

As a student, the average amount of money can vary depending on various factors such as location, personal preferences, and lifestyle choices. However, a rough estimate would be around £10 to £20 per day. It's important to note that this is just an average and individual spending habits may differ.

But, it’s always good to be aware of these habits if you’re going to cut back financially! I would recommend pre-planning meals (especially lunch!) so it’s not so tempting to buy food or drink when you’re out and about :smile:

Hope this helps,
Original post by Nikita Joukovski
What would you say is the average amount you spend on food and drink each day.


The answer to that is largely dependent on each person's eating and shopping preferences.

I go grocery shopping about twice a month, and sometimes in between for miscellaneous stuff as well. I would say it costs about £100-130 for the entire month, depending on where I shop. It's mostly Lidl for me but I also sometimes go to Tesco where the prices tend to be higher. I don't usually eat or drink out a lot, so for any outings, I'd say it would cost around £20-25 each month.

Too Good To Go is a really good app actually, it gives you food at discounted rates from good restaurants in your city. I've seen many Durham students use it and it comes in very handy when you're too tired to cook but want a delicious meal.


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