Hi! I have an interview for a Christmas retail job at a major supermarket. For context, I'm 18 and I've never had a job before. I finished school in June, had some time for myself over the summer and started the demoralising trawl through the job market a month ago.
From what I've seen, the interview will ask at least one question relating to customer service, asking about a time you dealt with a difficult customer.
I have no work experience whatsoever, let alone experience in customer service, so I'm not sure how to answer this question. Also, one or the questions is 'tell me a bit about yourself' so I'm not sure what they'll want to hear on that one.
I'd really appreciate some advice about this specific question and just interviews in general. From what I can gather, it's a fairly informal interview, and the questions like that are only a small part of the interview. The rest of it is mainly about availability and stuff from what I've seen.