The Student Room Group

Driving in the dark

Today i was driving down the road from my house and went through two red lights as soon as they turned red, a police officer in a normal police van not a mobile speed camera van had the sirens on behind me as i went around the corner and pulled behind and then turn his sirens off, i then pulled into a petrol station where the police followed however they pulled onto the pump, a police lady got out and went inside the fuel station, i then followed to buy something , went inside, the police lady approached me and said that, my colleague has just seen someone go through two red lights and i just replied with i dont know, and she said we are not sure if it was you but please drive careful, which she than walked off, does this mean i got away with it or are they going to issue me a nip through the post after reviewing the dash cam footage.
Reply 1
It sounds like you got away with that one? Not good driving though, one is bad enough but two?
Original post by nowaybro1234
Today i was driving down the road from my house and went through two red lights as soon as they turned red, a police officer in a normal police van not a mobile speed camera van had the sirens on behind me as i went around the corner and pulled behind and then turn his sirens off, i then pulled into a petrol station where the police followed however they pulled onto the pump, a police lady got out and went inside the fuel station, i then followed to buy something , went inside, the police lady approached me and said that, my colleague has just seen someone go through two red lights and i just replied with i dont know, and she said we are not sure if it was you but please drive careful, which she than walked off, does this mean i got away with it or are they going to issue me a nip through the post after reviewing the dash cam footage.

Sounds like you have got away with it.
If they were going to do you for it the they would have delt with it at the time.
Reply 3
Original post by Emma:-)
Sounds like you have got away with it.
If they were going to do you for it the they would have delt with it at the time.

Ok cheers guys appreciate the response, was just young and stupid and now I’m not taking any risk which would affect my license.
Reply 4
Original post by Muttly
It sounds like you got away with that one? Not good driving though, one is bad enough but two?

Ok cheers appreciate the response, was just young and stupid and now I’m not taking any risk which would affect my license.
Reply 5
Original post by Emma:-)
Sounds like you have got away with it.
If they were going to do you for it the they would have delt with it at the time.

Ok thank you mate, I’m no longer going to do stupid things like this again.

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