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Mat 2023

How did everyone find the MAT paper?

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so so bad!
I've heard the entire Oxford Admissions server crashed this morning hardly anyone could get on.
Reply 3
Original post by vintagecarrie
I've heard the entire Oxford Admissions server crashed this morning hardly anyone could get on.

Yeah it crashed for me, completely threw me off
Original post by _tjola7
How did everyone find the MAT paper?

Really?? I thought the test was quite easy. Did u just not revise enough?
Reply 5
Original post by Anonymous #2

Really?? I thought the test was quite easy. Did u just not revise enough?

I didn't find it overly difficult
Original post by Anonymous
Really?? I thought the test was quite easy. Did u just not revise enough?

Just because you found it easy doesn't mean other people should have 😐. Doesn't take a lot of common sense to work that out and performance isn't always just down to revision
Flopped differently....same as my friends but some of the ppl from my year said it was an easy 80+ :frown:
Reply 8
Original post by _tjola7
How did everyone find the MAT paper?

Not bad but not great, technical difficulties meant I started late whilst everyone else was doing the test that really put me off.
I feel like with a couple of the questions you either saw it or you didn’t. I didn’t.
Original post by _tjola7
How did everyone find the MAT paper?

I found it alright, but not that great. Anyone know how to do the last part of that x+1/x question? It was a polynomial degree 7 I just couldn't get it, probably easy I just didn't know. Also I couldn't get last parts of Q5, the (0,1,0,1) question. Multiple choice could have been worse, but definitely got some wrong.
Original post by AnotherStudent!
I feel like with a couple of the questions you either saw it or you didn’t. I didn’t.

😂😂😂 Definitely though
Original post by AnotherStudent!
I feel like with a couple of the questions you either saw it or you didn’t. I didn’t.

same lol
I want to check multiple choices I wrote them down. Is there anyone that's confident that I can check with?
Original post by user382746
I want to check multiple choices I wrote them down. Is there anyone that's confident that I can check with?

What did you get for the square and radii Mc q? And the integration q? And the square number q? I think those r the ones I may have got wrong
Did anyone else get 4 to the power of 8 for the last part of q3? For the max value of the cos function
Original post by Anonymous
What did you get for the square and radii Mc q? And the integration q? And the square number q? I think those r the ones I may have got wrong

for radii i got 2-sqrt(2) for the integration i got 3 and the for the square number I think it ended with 25 I don't remember the rest of the number
I got D for the radii q idk what exact number but probs got it wrong I couldn’t rationalise the denomantor correctly. I got the square ending in 225 too. And for integration I got 4 which is also a guess
Original post by Anonymous
What did you get for the square and radii Mc q? And the integration q? And the square number q? I think those r the ones I may have got wrong


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