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BSC economics and economic history LSE

I love the modules on the BSC economics and economic history LSE course and want to do it, but im worried about my personal statement being mostly tailored to economics (there is a short amount relating to history). I was wondering whether this would put me at a disadvantage and if I should just go for pure econ at lse instead.
From some research it seems this course is more competitive than pure econ at lse too? Do you guys think i stand a better chance getting into this course or getting into pure econ here (I dont do further maths and my predicteds are A*A*A*)
(edited 1 year ago)
LSE usually expects strong personal statements that are tailored to the specific course you are applying to.

Generally if you're applying to LSE it seems recommended to tailor your PS to them and apply to other courses around that, rather than the other way around.
Original post by artful_lounger
LSE usually expects strong personal statements that are tailored to the specific course you are applying to.

Generally if you're applying to LSE it seems recommended to tailor your PS to them and apply to other courses around that, rather than the other way around.

oh ok! thank you
Reply 4
Especially for Econ+Econ History it's very important to mention history factors in your PS. However, it would be unreasonable for you to apply for pure Econ for LSE with just doing math a-level this will just result in quick rejection unless you have a super-duper PS which only very few do. In the end, I would just apply for econ+econ history in your place since chances there are higher even if you mention just a bit about history in your PS. Hmu if any questions :wink:
Original post by alexav
Especially for Econ+Econ History it's very important to mention history factors in your PS. However, it would be unreasonable for you to apply for pure Econ for LSE with just doing math a-level this will just result in quick rejection unless you have a super-duper PS which only very few do. In the end, I would just apply for econ+econ history in your place since chances there are higher even if you mention just a bit about history in your PS. Hmu if any questions :wink:

I did end up changing up my personal statement so its way more tailored for econ and econ history now 🙂
thank you! good luck with ur application
Reply 6
When does LSE normally give out offers for econ ?

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