The Student Room Group


excluding my mum and brother I literally have no one, no one to text, no one to call, no one to go cinema and concerts with. I try be friendly and approachable at uni by starting conversations but it seems like my presence isn't welcomed how can I make friends if people don't want to be friends with me. being bullied in the past doesnt help when I want to approach people and when I do you know the feeling when someone just wants you to go away. I'm not totally miserable though, I went to a concert by myself yesterday (sure its sad but I was there for the artists anyway) people gave me some nasty looks but I was able to ignore because I didn't want them ruining my mood, I was excited for the performances. my mum thinks I have friends I always lie and say I'm surrounded with people when really I'm on my own, whether its at uni, going to the cinema etc. its easy to talk with people online but if they knew how I looked I doubt they'd want to be my friend. argh its frustrating but oh well just have to keep trying I suppose
Original post by Anonymous #1
excluding my mum and brother I literally have no one, no one to text, no one to call, no one to go cinema and concerts with. I try be friendly and approachable at uni by starting conversations but it seems like my presence isn't welcomed how can I make friends if people don't want to be friends with me. being bullied in the past doesnt help when I want to approach people and when I do you know the feeling when someone just wants you to go away. I'm not totally miserable though, I went to a concert by myself yesterday (sure its sad but I was there for the artists anyway) people gave me some nasty looks but I was able to ignore because I didn't want them ruining my mood, I was excited for the performances. my mum thinks I have friends I always lie and say I'm surrounded with people when really I'm on my own, whether its at uni, going to the cinema etc. its easy to talk with people online but if they knew how I looked I doubt they'd want to be my friend. argh its frustrating but oh well just have to keep trying I suppose

What makes u feel like ur presence isn't wanted?
theres nothing wrong with going places by urself - when u go these places try find other ppl that are also there alone and talk to them
no normal person would not be friends with a person jus cuz they r not good lookin darlin thas weird
do things with ur online friends
Reply 2
Maybe don't lie to the people who actually do care about you. 🙂 I'm sure they'd be more understanding for the fact they care about you and maybe they'd want to do some of those things with you.

Enjoy the going out too, one day you'll be too old to or your friends will all be old and boring and want to stay in all the time... 😀

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