The Student Room Group

How do sixth form applications work

Do sixth forms look at your predicted grades or your mock results on your application? I don’t really get how it works…. If you get rejected, but your actual GCSE results exceed your mock/predicted can they still accept you? I’m predicted 7s and 8s and I want to apply for a grammar sixth form, but I think my mocks results won’t be what I want, so if they reject me, but I get higher grades in the real GCSEs can I still get accepted? Thanks :smile:
Original post by Anonymous
Do sixth forms look at your predicted grades or your mock results on your application? I don’t really get how it works…. If you get rejected, but your actual GCSE results exceed your mock/predicted can they still accept you? I’m predicted 7s and 8s and I want to apply for a grammar sixth form, but I think my mocks results won’t be what I want, so if they reject me, but I get higher grades in the real GCSEs can I still get accepted? Thanks :smile:

They usually ask for predicted.
Also you may get your mock results before the application deadline for sixthform.
Reply 2
Original post by Anonymous
Do sixth forms look at your predicted grades or your mock results on your application? I don’t really get how it works…. If you get rejected, but your actual GCSE results exceed your mock/predicted can they still accept you? I’m predicted 7s and 8s and I want to apply for a grammar sixth form, but I think my mocks results won’t be what I want, so if they reject me, but I get higher grades in the real GCSEs can I still get accepted? Thanks :smile:

they look at predicted in your applications but if you do get rejected and exceed in ur gsce results and u go there im 100% sure they will accept u if u meet their requirements.

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