Hello! I would appreciate any and all advice/information that anyone could give on these two universities. Thank you!
I have recently gotten accepted into both the University of York and the University of Nottingham for my postgraduate studies. At York, I’ve been accepted into the Digital Media and Culture MA and at Nottingham, I’ve been accepted into the International Media and Communications MA. Somewhat similar, somewhat different. I am currently now conflicted on which university to choose between.
At the University of York, I’ve felt like the faculty has been very responsive with my questions thus far (especially within this programme). I love the city and I also have a friend who is also already at York in her undergraduate studies. Does anyone know anything about this specific programme or uni in general?
Based on what I’ve found, York is safer than Nottingham and doesn’t have a very “party city” feel (which is fine for me!). However, York seems to be more expensive to travel to and from—compared to Nottingham which is so central in the UK.
Furthermore, I really like that Nottingham’s programme includes a language learning element built into the course (this isn’t a priority for me in my future career goals, but it’s an interesting and welcoming addition). I have also found that people believe Nottingham is more “prestigious” than York, eventhough they’re both in the Russel Group. Although, Nottingham is not as safe as York.
Overall, I would just like to go somewhere I can get a great education and a career post graduation. I would love to work in the creative and culture industries sector someday, whether that be through editing/publishing/writing, in a cultural heritage site, in media, etc. I’m sure both courses can get me to where I want to be, but I would like to see if anyone has any advice, information, or experiences they’d like to share!! Thank you so much!